Current Path : /lib/python3.9/site-packages/firewall/core/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/firewall/core/ipXtables.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Authors: # Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import os.path import copy from firewall.core.prog import runProg from firewall.core.logger import log from firewall.functions import tempFile, readfile, splitArgs, check_mac, portStr, \ check_single_address, check_address, normalizeIP6 from firewall import config from firewall.errors import FirewallError, INVALID_PASSTHROUGH, INVALID_RULE, UNKNOWN_ERROR, INVALID_ADDR from firewall.core.rich import Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop, Rich_Mark, Rich_NFLog, \ Rich_Masquerade, Rich_ForwardPort, Rich_IcmpBlock, Rich_Tcp_Mss_Clamp from firewall.core.base import DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET import string POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX = "" BUILT_IN_CHAINS = { "security": [ "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FORWARD" ], "raw": [ "PREROUTING", "OUTPUT" ], "mangle": [ "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING", "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FORWARD" ], "nat": [ "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING", "OUTPUT" ], "filter": [ "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FORWARD" ], } DEFAULT_REJECT_TYPE = { "ipv4": "icmp-host-prohibited", "ipv6": "icmp6-adm-prohibited", } ICMP = { "ipv4": "icmp", "ipv6": "ipv6-icmp", } # ipv ebtables also uses this # def common_reverse_rule(args): """ Inverse valid rule """ replace_args = { # Append "-A": "-D", "--append": "--delete", # Insert "-I": "-D", "--insert": "--delete", # New chain "-N": "-X", "--new-chain": "--delete-chain", } ret_args = args[:] for arg in replace_args: try: idx = ret_args.index(arg) except Exception: continue if arg in [ "-I", "--insert" ]: # With insert rulenum, then remove it if it is a number # Opt at position idx, chain at position idx+1, [rulenum] at # position idx+2 try: int(ret_args[idx+2]) except Exception: pass else: ret_args.pop(idx+2) ret_args[idx] = replace_args[arg] return ret_args def common_reverse_passthrough(args): """ Reverse valid passthough rule """ replace_args = { # Append "-A": "-D", "--append": "--delete", # Insert "-I": "-D", "--insert": "--delete", # New chain "-N": "-X", "--new-chain": "--delete-chain", } ret_args = args[:] for x in replace_args: try: idx = ret_args.index(x) except ValueError: continue if x in [ "-I", "--insert" ]: # With insert rulenum, then remove it if it is a number # Opt at position idx, chain at position idx+1, [rulenum] at # position idx+2 try: int(ret_args[idx+2]) except ValueError: pass else: ret_args.pop(idx+2) ret_args[idx] = replace_args[x] return ret_args raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH, "no '-A', '-I' or '-N' arg") # ipv ebtables also uses this # def common_check_passthrough(args): """ Check if passthough rule is valid (only add, insert and new chain rules are allowed) """ args = set(args) not_allowed = set(["-C", "--check", # check rule "-D", "--delete", # delete rule "-R", "--replace", # replace rule "-L", "--list", # list rule "-S", "--list-rules", # print rules "-F", "--flush", # flush rules "-Z", "--zero", # zero rules "-X", "--delete-chain", # delete chain "-P", "--policy", # policy "-E", "--rename-chain"]) # rename chain) # intersection of args and not_allowed is not empty, i.e. # something from args is not allowed if len(args & not_allowed) > 0: raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH, "arg '%s' is not allowed" % list(args & not_allowed)[0]) # args need to contain one of -A, -I, -N needed = set(["-A", "--append", "-I", "--insert", "-N", "--new-chain"]) # empty intersection of args and needed, i.e. # none from args contains any needed command if len(args & needed) == 0: raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH, "no '-A', '-I' or '-N' arg") class ip4tables(object): ipv = "ipv4" name = "ip4tables" policies_supported = True def __init__(self, fw): self._fw = fw self._command = config.COMMANDS[self.ipv] self._restore_command = config.COMMANDS["%s-restore" % self.ipv] self.wait_option = self._detect_wait_option() self.restore_wait_option = self._detect_restore_wait_option() self.fill_exists() self.available_tables = [] self.rich_rule_priority_counts = {} self.policy_priority_counts = {} self.zone_source_index_cache = [] self.our_chains = {} # chains created by firewalld def fill_exists(self): self.command_exists = os.path.exists(self._command) self.restore_command_exists = os.path.exists(self._restore_command) def __run(self, args): # convert to string list if self.wait_option and self.wait_option not in args: _args = [self.wait_option] + ["%s" % item for item in args] else: _args = ["%s" % item for item in args] log.debug2("%s: %s %s", self.__class__, self._command, " ".join(_args)) (status, ret) = runProg(self._command, _args) if status != 0: raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._command, " ".join(_args), ret)) return ret def _rule_replace(self, rule, pattern, replacement): try: i = rule.index(pattern) except ValueError: return False else: rule[i:i+1] = replacement return True def is_chain_builtin(self, ipv, table, chain): return table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS and \ chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS[table] def build_chain_rules(self, add, table, chain): rule = [ "-t", table ] if add: rule.append("-N") else: rule.append("-X") rule.append(chain) return [rule] def build_rule(self, add, table, chain, index, args): rule = [ "-t", table ] if add: rule += [ "-I", chain, str(index) ] else: rule += [ "-D", chain ] rule += args return rule def reverse_rule(self, args): return common_reverse_rule(args) def check_passthrough(self, args): common_check_passthrough(args) def reverse_passthrough(self, args): return common_reverse_passthrough(args) def passthrough_parse_table_chain(self, args): table = "filter" try: i = args.index("-t") except ValueError: pass else: if len(args) >= i+1: table = args[i+1] chain = None for opt in [ "-A", "--append", "-I", "--insert", "-N", "--new-chain" ]: try: i = args.index(opt) except ValueError: pass else: if len(args) >= i+1: chain = args[i+1] return (table, chain) def _run_replace_zone_source(self, rule, zone_source_index_cache): try: i = rule.index("%%ZONE_SOURCE%%") rule.pop(i) zone = rule.pop(i) if "-m" == rule[4]: # ipset/mac zone_source = (zone, rule[7]) # (zone, address) else: zone_source = (zone, rule[5]) # (zone, address) except ValueError: try: i = rule.index("%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%") rule.pop(i) zone_source = None except ValueError: return rule_add = True if rule[0] in ["-D", "--delete"]: rule_add = False if zone_source and not rule_add: if zone_source in zone_source_index_cache: zone_source_index_cache.remove(zone_source) elif rule_add: if zone_source: # order source based dispatch by zone name if zone_source not in zone_source_index_cache: zone_source_index_cache.append(zone_source) zone_source_index_cache.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) index = zone_source_index_cache.index(zone_source) else: index = len(zone_source_index_cache) rule[0] = "-I" rule.insert(2, "%d" % (index + 1)) def _set_rule_replace_priority(self, rule, priority_counts, token): """ Change something like -t filter -I public_IN %%RICH_RULE_PRIORITY%% 123 or -t filter -A public_IN %%RICH_RULE_PRIORITY%% 321 into -t filter -I public_IN 4 or -t filter -I public_IN """ try: i = rule.index(token) except ValueError: pass else: rule_add = True insert = False insert_add_index = -1 rule.pop(i) priority = rule.pop(i) if type(priority) != int: raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "priority must be followed by a number") table = "filter" for opt in [ "-t", "--table" ]: try: j = rule.index(opt) except ValueError: pass else: if len(rule) >= j+1: table = rule[j+1] for opt in [ "-A", "--append", "-I", "--insert", "-D", "--delete" ]: try: insert_add_index = rule.index(opt) except ValueError: pass else: if len(rule) >= insert_add_index+1: chain = rule[insert_add_index+1] if opt in [ "-I", "--insert" ]: insert = True if opt in [ "-D", "--delete" ]: rule_add = False chain = (table, chain) # Add the rule to the priority counts. We don't need to store the # rule, just bump the ref count for the priority value. if not rule_add: if chain not in priority_counts or \ priority not in priority_counts[chain] or \ priority_counts[chain][priority] <= 0: raise FirewallError(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "nonexistent or underflow of priority count") priority_counts[chain][priority] -= 1 else: if chain not in priority_counts: priority_counts[chain] = {} if priority not in priority_counts[chain]: priority_counts[chain][priority] = 0 # calculate index of new rule index = 1 for p in sorted(priority_counts[chain].keys()): if p == priority and insert: break index += priority_counts[chain][p] if p == priority: break priority_counts[chain][priority] += 1 rule[insert_add_index] = "-I" rule.insert(insert_add_index+2, "%d" % index) def set_rules(self, rules, log_denied): temp_file = tempFile() table_rules = { } rich_rule_priority_counts = copy.deepcopy(self.rich_rule_priority_counts) policy_priority_counts = copy.deepcopy(self.policy_priority_counts) zone_source_index_cache = copy.deepcopy(self.zone_source_index_cache) for _rule in rules: rule = _rule[:] # replace %%REJECT%% self._rule_replace(rule, "%%REJECT%%", \ ["REJECT", "--reject-with", DEFAULT_REJECT_TYPE[self.ipv]]) # replace %%ICMP%% self._rule_replace(rule, "%%ICMP%%", [ICMP[self.ipv]]) # replace %%LOGTYPE%% try: i = rule.index("%%LOGTYPE%%") except ValueError: pass else: if log_denied == "off": continue if log_denied in [ "unicast", "broadcast", "multicast" ]: rule[i:i+1] = [ "-m", "pkttype", "--pkt-type", log_denied ] else: rule.pop(i) self._set_rule_replace_priority(rule, rich_rule_priority_counts, "%%RICH_RULE_PRIORITY%%") self._set_rule_replace_priority(rule, policy_priority_counts, "%%POLICY_PRIORITY%%") self._run_replace_zone_source(rule, zone_source_index_cache) table = "filter" # get table form rule for opt in [ "-t", "--table" ]: try: i = rule.index(opt) except ValueError: pass else: if len(rule) >= i+1: rule.pop(i) table = rule.pop(i) # we can not use joinArgs here, because it would use "'" instead # of '"' for the start and end of the string, this breaks # iptables-restore for i, element in enumerate(rule): for c in string.whitespace: if c in element and not (element.startswith('"') and element.endswith('"')): rule[i] = '"%s"' % element table_rules.setdefault(table, []).append(rule) for table in table_rules: rules = table_rules[table] temp_file.write("*%s\n" % table) for rule in rules: temp_file.write(" ".join(rule) + "\n") temp_file.write("COMMIT\n") temp_file.close() stat = os.stat(temp_file.name) log.debug2("%s: %s %s", self.__class__, self._restore_command, "%s: %d" % (temp_file.name, stat.st_size)) args = [ ] if self.restore_wait_option: args.append(self.restore_wait_option) args.append("-n") (status, ret) = runProg(self._restore_command, args, stdin=temp_file.name) if log.getDebugLogLevel() > 2: lines = readfile(temp_file.name) if lines is not None: i = 1 for line in lines: log.debug3("%8d: %s" % (i, line), nofmt=1, nl=0) if not line.endswith("\n"): log.debug3("", nofmt=1) i += 1 os.unlink(temp_file.name) if status != 0: raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._restore_command, " ".join(args), ret)) self.rich_rule_priority_counts = rich_rule_priority_counts self.policy_priority_counts = policy_priority_counts self.zone_source_index_cache = zone_source_index_cache def set_rule(self, rule, log_denied): # replace %%REJECT%% self._rule_replace(rule, "%%REJECT%%", \ ["REJECT", "--reject-with", DEFAULT_REJECT_TYPE[self.ipv]]) # replace %%ICMP%% self._rule_replace(rule, "%%ICMP%%", [ICMP[self.ipv]]) # replace %%LOGTYPE%% try: i = rule.index("%%LOGTYPE%%") except ValueError: pass else: if log_denied == "off": return "" if log_denied in [ "unicast", "broadcast", "multicast" ]: rule[i:i+1] = [ "-m", "pkttype", "--pkt-type", log_denied ] else: rule.pop(i) rich_rule_priority_counts = copy.deepcopy(self.rich_rule_priority_counts) policy_priority_counts = copy.deepcopy(self.policy_priority_counts) zone_source_index_cache = copy.deepcopy(self.zone_source_index_cache) self._set_rule_replace_priority(rule, rich_rule_priority_counts, "%%RICH_RULE_PRIORITY%%") self._set_rule_replace_priority(rule, policy_priority_counts, "%%POLICY_PRIORITY%%") self._run_replace_zone_source(rule, zone_source_index_cache) output = self.__run(rule) self.rich_rule_priority_counts = rich_rule_priority_counts self.policy_priority_counts = policy_priority_counts self.zone_source_index_cache = zone_source_index_cache return output def get_available_tables(self, table=None): ret = [] tables = [ table ] if table else BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys() for table in tables: if table in self.available_tables: ret.append(table) else: try: self.__run(["-t", table, "-L", "-n"]) self.available_tables.append(table) ret.append(table) except ValueError: log.debug1("%s table '%s' does not exist (or not enough permission to check)." % (self.ipv, table)) return ret def _detect_wait_option(self): wait_option = "" ret = runProg(self._command, ["-w", "-L", "-n"]) # since iptables-1.4.20 log.debug3("%s: %s: probe for wait option (%s): ret=%u, output=\"%s\"", self.__class__, self._command, "-w", ret[0], ret[1]) if ret[0] == 0: wait_option = "-w" # wait for xtables lock ret = runProg(self._command, ["-w10", "-L", "-n"]) # since iptables > 1.4.21 log.debug3("%s: %s: probe for wait option (%s): ret=%u, output=\"%s\"", self.__class__, self._command, "-w10", ret[0], ret[1]) if ret[0] == 0: wait_option = "-w10" # wait max 10 seconds log.debug2("%s: %s will be using %s option.", self.__class__, self._command, wait_option) return wait_option def _detect_restore_wait_option(self): temp_file = tempFile() temp_file.write("#foo") temp_file.close() wait_option = "" for test_option in ["-w", "--wait=2"]: ret = runProg(self._restore_command, [test_option], stdin=temp_file.name) log.debug3("%s: %s: probe for wait option (%s): ret=%u, output=\"%s\"", self.__class__, self._command, test_option, ret[0], ret[1]) if ret[0] == 0 and "invalid option" not in ret[1] \ and "unrecognized option" not in ret[1]: wait_option = test_option break log.debug2("%s: %s will be using %s option.", self.__class__, self._restore_command, wait_option) os.unlink(temp_file.name) return wait_option def build_flush_rules(self): self.rich_rule_priority_counts = {} self.policy_priority_counts = {} self.zone_source_index_cache = [] rules = [] for table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys(): if not self.get_available_tables(table): continue # Flush firewall rules: -F # Delete firewall chains: -X # Set counter to zero: -Z for flag in [ "-F", "-X", "-Z" ]: rules.append(["-t", table, flag]) return rules def build_set_policy_rules(self, policy, policy_details): rules = [] _policy = "DROP" if policy == "PANIC" else policy for table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys(): if not self.get_available_tables(table): continue if table == "nat": continue for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS[table]: if table == "filter": p = policy_details[chain] if p == "REJECT": rules.append(["-t", table, "-A", chain, "-j", "REJECT"]) p = "DROP" else: p = _policy rules.append(["-t", table, "-P", chain, p]) return rules def supported_icmp_types(self, ipv=None): """Return ICMP types that are supported by the iptables/ip6tables command and kernel""" ret = [ ] output = "" try: output = self.__run(["-p", "icmp" if self.ipv == "ipv4" else "ipv6-icmp", "--help"]) except ValueError as ex: if self.ipv == "ipv4": log.debug1("iptables error: %s" % ex) else: log.debug1("ip6tables error: %s" % ex) lines = output.splitlines() in_types = False for line in lines: #print(line) if in_types: line = line.strip().lower() splits = line.split() for split in splits: if split.startswith("(") and split.endswith(")"): x = split[1:-1] else: x = split if x not in ret: ret.append(x) if self.ipv == "ipv4" and line.startswith("Valid ICMP Types:") or \ self.ipv == "ipv6" and line.startswith("Valid ICMPv6 Types:"): in_types = True return ret def build_default_tables(self): # nothing to do, they always exist return [] def build_default_rules(self, log_denied="off"): default_rules = {} if self.get_available_tables("security"): default_rules["security"] = [ ] self.our_chains["security"] = set() for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["security"]: default_rules["security"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain) default_rules["security"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain)) self.our_chains["security"].add("%s_direct" % chain) if self.get_available_tables("raw"): default_rules["raw"] = [ ] self.our_chains["raw"] = set() for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["raw"]: default_rules["raw"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain) default_rules["raw"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain)) self.our_chains["raw"].add("%s_direct" % chain) if chain == "PREROUTING": for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre", "ZONES", "POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["raw"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["raw"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)])) for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES"]: default_rules["raw"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix)) if self.get_available_tables("mangle"): default_rules["mangle"] = [ ] self.our_chains["mangle"] = set() for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["mangle"]: default_rules["mangle"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain) default_rules["mangle"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain)) self.our_chains["mangle"].add("%s_direct" % chain) if chain == "PREROUTING": for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre", "ZONES", "POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["mangle"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["mangle"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)])) for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES"]: default_rules["mangle"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix)) if self.get_available_tables("nat"): default_rules["nat"] = [ ] self.our_chains["nat"] = set() for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["nat"]: default_rules["nat"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain) default_rules["nat"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain)) self.our_chains["nat"].add("%s_direct" % chain) if chain in ["OUTPUT"]: # nat, output does not have zone dispatch for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre", "POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["nat"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["nat"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)])) default_rules["nat"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix)) else: for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre", "ZONES", "POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["nat"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["nat"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)])) for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES"]: default_rules["nat"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix)) default_rules["filter"] = [] self.our_chains["filter"] = set() default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED,DNAT -j ACCEPT") default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT") if log_denied != "off": default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'STATE_INVALID_DROP: '") default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP") default_rules["filter"].append("-N INPUT_direct") default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j INPUT_direct") self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("INPUT_direct")) for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre", "ZONES", "POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) if log_denied != "off": default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'FINAL_REJECT: '") default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j %%REJECT%%") default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED,DNAT -j ACCEPT") default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT") if log_denied != "off": default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'STATE_INVALID_DROP: '") default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP") default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_direct") default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j FORWARD_direct") self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("FORWARD_direct")) for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("FORWARD_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) if log_denied != "off": default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'FINAL_REJECT: '") default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j %%REJECT%%") default_rules["filter"] += [ "-N OUTPUT_direct", "-A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT", "-A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT", "-A OUTPUT -j OUTPUT_direct", ] self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("OUTPUT_direct")) for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_pre"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) default_rules["filter"].append("-A OUTPUT -j OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) for dispatch_suffix in ["POLICIES_post"]: default_rules["filter"].append("-N OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) default_rules["filter"].append("-A OUTPUT -j OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)) self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("OUTPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))) final_default_rules = [] for table in default_rules: if table not in self.get_available_tables(): continue for rule in default_rules[table]: final_default_rules.append(["-t", table] + splitArgs(rule)) return final_default_rules def get_zone_table_chains(self, table): if table == "filter": return { "INPUT", "FORWARD" } if table == "mangle": if "mangle" in self.get_available_tables(): return { "PREROUTING" } if table == "nat": if "nat" in self.get_available_tables(): return { "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING" } if table == "raw": if "raw" in self.get_available_tables(): return { "PREROUTING" } return {} def build_policy_ingress_egress_rules(self, enable, policy, table, chain, ingress_interfaces, egress_interfaces, ingress_sources, egress_sources): p_obj = self._fw.policy.get_policy(policy) chain_suffix = "pre" if p_obj.priority < 0 else "post" isSNAT = True if (table == "nat" and chain == "POSTROUTING") else False _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX, isSNAT) ingress_fragments = [] egress_fragments = [] for interface in ingress_interfaces: ingress_fragments.append(["-i", interface]) for interface in egress_interfaces: egress_fragments.append(["-o", interface]) for addr in ingress_sources: ipv = self._fw.zone.check_source(addr) if ipv in ["ipv4", "ipv6"] and not self.is_ipv_supported(ipv): continue ingress_fragments.append(self._rule_addr_fragment("-s", addr)) for addr in egress_sources: ipv = self._fw.zone.check_source(addr) if ipv in ["ipv4", "ipv6"] and not self.is_ipv_supported(ipv): continue # iptables can not match destination MAC if check_mac(addr) and chain in ["POSTROUTING", "FORWARD", "OUTPUT"]: continue egress_fragments.append(self._rule_addr_fragment("-d", addr)) def _generate_policy_dispatch_rule(ingress_fragment, egress_fragment): add_del = {True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] rule = ["-t", table, add_del, "%s_POLICIES_%s" % (chain, chain_suffix), "%%POLICY_PRIORITY%%", p_obj.priority] if ingress_fragment: rule.extend(ingress_fragment) if egress_fragment: rule.extend(egress_fragment) rule.extend(["-j", _policy]) return rule rules = [] if ingress_fragments: # zone --> [zone, ANY, HOST] for ingress_fragment in ingress_fragments: # zone --> zone if egress_fragments: for egress_fragment in egress_fragments: rules.append(_generate_policy_dispatch_rule(ingress_fragment, egress_fragment)) elif egress_sources: # if the egress source is not for the current family (there # are no egress fragments), then avoid creating an invalid # catch all rule. pass else: rules.append(_generate_policy_dispatch_rule(ingress_fragment, None)) elif ingress_sources: # if the ingress source is not for the current family (there are no # ingress fragments), then avoid creating an invalid catch all # rule. pass else: # [ANY, HOST] --> [zone, ANY, HOST] # [ANY, HOST] --> zone if egress_fragments: for egress_fragment in egress_fragments: rules.append(_generate_policy_dispatch_rule(None, egress_fragment)) elif egress_sources: # if the egress source is not for the current family (there # are no egress fragments), then avoid creating an invalid # catch all rule. pass else: # [ANY, HOST] --> [ANY, HOST] rules.append(_generate_policy_dispatch_rule(None, None)) return rules def build_zone_source_interface_rules(self, enable, zone, policy, interface, table, chain, append=False): isSNAT = True if (table == "nat" and chain == "POSTROUTING") else False _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX, isSNAT=isSNAT) opt = { "PREROUTING": "-i", "POSTROUTING": "-o", "INPUT": "-i", "FORWARD": "-i", "OUTPUT": "-o", }[chain] action = "-g" if enable and not append: rule = [ "-I", "%s_ZONES" % chain, "%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%" ] elif enable: rule = [ "-A", "%s_ZONES" % chain ] else: rule = [ "-D", "%s_ZONES" % chain ] if not append: rule += ["%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%"] rule += [ "-t", table, opt, interface, action, _policy ] return [rule] def _rule_addr_fragment(self, opt, address, invert=False): if address.startswith("ipset:"): name = address[6:] if opt == "-d": opt = "dst" else: opt = "src" flags = ",".join([opt] * self._fw.ipset.get_dimension(name)) return ["-m", "set", "--match-set", name, flags] elif check_mac(address): # outgoing can not be set if opt == "-d": raise FirewallError(INVALID_ADDR, "Can't match a destination MAC.") return ["-m", "mac", "--mac-source", address.upper()] else: if check_single_address("ipv6", address): address = normalizeIP6(address) elif check_address("ipv6", address): addr_split = address.split("/") address = normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1] return [opt, address] def build_zone_source_address_rules(self, enable, zone, policy, address, table, chain): add_del = { True: "-I", False: "-D" }[enable] isSNAT = True if (table == "nat" and chain == "POSTROUTING") else False _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX, isSNAT=isSNAT) opt = { "PREROUTING": "-s", "POSTROUTING": "-d", "INPUT": "-s", "FORWARD": "-s", "OUTPUT": "-d", }[chain] # iptables can not match destination MAC if check_mac(address) and chain in ["POSTROUTING", "FORWARD", "OUTPUT"]: return [] rule = [add_del, "%s_ZONES" % (chain), "%%ZONE_SOURCE%%", zone, "-t", table] rule.extend(self._rule_addr_fragment(opt, address)) rule.extend(["-g", _policy]) return [rule] def build_policy_chain_rules(self, enable, policy, table, chain): add_del_chain = { True: "-N", False: "-X" }[enable] add_del_rule = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] isSNAT = True if (table == "nat" and chain == "POSTROUTING") else False _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX, isSNAT=isSNAT) p_obj = self._fw.policy.get_policy(policy) self.our_chains[table].update(set([_policy, "%s_log" % _policy, "%s_deny" % _policy, "%s_pre" % _policy, "%s_post" % _policy, "%s_allow" % _policy])) rules = [] rules.append([ add_del_chain, _policy, "-t", table ]) rules.append([ add_del_chain, "%s_pre" % _policy, "-t", table ]) rules.append([ add_del_chain, "%s_log" % _policy, "-t", table ]) rules.append([ add_del_chain, "%s_deny" % _policy, "-t", table ]) rules.append([ add_del_chain, "%s_allow" % _policy, "-t", table ]) rules.append([ add_del_chain, "%s_post" % _policy, "-t", table ]) if p_obj.derived_from_zone: rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_%s" % (chain, "POLICIES_pre") ]) rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_pre" % _policy ]) rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_log" % _policy ]) rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_deny" % _policy ]) rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_allow" % _policy ]) rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_post" % _policy ]) if p_obj.derived_from_zone: rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_%s" % (chain, "POLICIES_post") ]) target = self._fw.policy._policies[policy].target if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off": if table == "filter": if target in [DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET, "REJECT", "%%REJECT%%" ]: rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "%%LOGTYPE%%", "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "%s_REJECT: " % _policy ]) if target == "DROP": rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "%%LOGTYPE%%", "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "%s_DROP: " % _policy ]) if table == "filter" and \ target in [DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET, "ACCEPT", "REJECT", "%%REJECT%%", "DROP" ]: if target in [DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET]: _target = "REJECT" else: _target = target rules.append([ add_del_rule, _policy, "-t", table, "-j", _target ]) if not enable: rules.reverse() return rules def _rule_limit(self, limit): if limit: return [ "-m", "limit", "--limit", limit.value ] return [] def _rich_rule_chain_suffix(self, rich_rule): if type(rich_rule.element) in [Rich_Masquerade, Rich_ForwardPort, Rich_IcmpBlock, Rich_Tcp_Mss_Clamp]: # These are special and don't have an explicit action pass elif rich_rule.action: if type(rich_rule.action) not in [Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop, Rich_Mark]: raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "Unknown action %s" % type(rich_rule.action)) else: raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "No rule action specified.") if rich_rule.priority == 0: if type(rich_rule.element) in [Rich_Masquerade, Rich_ForwardPort, Rich_Tcp_Mss_Clamp] or \ type(rich_rule.action) in [Rich_Accept, Rich_Mark]: return "allow" elif type(rich_rule.element) in [Rich_IcmpBlock] or \ type(rich_rule.action) in [Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop]: return "deny" elif rich_rule.priority < 0: return "pre" else: return "post" def _rich_rule_chain_suffix_from_log(self, rich_rule): if not rich_rule.log and not rich_rule.audit: raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "Not log or audit") if rich_rule.priority == 0: return "log" elif rich_rule.priority < 0: return "pre" else: return "post" def _rich_rule_priority_fragment(self, rich_rule): if rich_rule.priority == 0: return [] return ["%%RICH_RULE_PRIORITY%%", rich_rule.priority] def _rich_rule_log(self, policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment): if not rich_rule.log: return [] _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix_from_log(rich_rule) rule = ["-t", table, add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] rule += self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) if type(rich_rule.log) == Rich_NFLog: rule += rule_fragment + [ "-j", "NFLOG" ] if rich_rule.log.group: rule += [ "--nflog-group", rich_rule.log.group ] if rich_rule.log.prefix: rule += [ "--nflog-prefix", "%s" % rich_rule.log.prefix ] if rich_rule.log.threshold: rule += [ "--nflog-threshold", rich_rule.log.threshold ] else: rule += rule_fragment + [ "-j", "LOG" ] if rich_rule.log.prefix: rule += [ "--log-prefix", "%s" % rich_rule.log.prefix ] if rich_rule.log.level: rule += [ "--log-level", "%s" % rich_rule.log.level ] rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.log.limit) return rule def _rich_rule_audit(self, policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment): if not rich_rule.audit: return [] add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix_from_log(rich_rule) rule = ["-t", table, add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] rule += self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) rule += rule_fragment if type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Accept: _type = "accept" elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Reject: _type = "reject" elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Drop: _type = "drop" else: _type = "unknown" rule += [ "-j", "AUDIT", "--type", _type ] rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.audit.limit) return rule def _rich_rule_action(self, policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment): if not rich_rule.action: return [] add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix(rich_rule) chain = "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix) if type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Accept: rule_action = [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ] elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Reject: rule_action = [ "-j", "REJECT" ] if rich_rule.action.type: rule_action += [ "--reject-with", rich_rule.action.type ] elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Drop: rule_action = [ "-j", "DROP" ] elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Mark: table = "mangle" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) chain = "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix) rule_action = [ "-j", "MARK", "--set-xmark", rich_rule.action.set ] else: raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE, "Unknown action %s" % type(rich_rule.action)) rule = ["-t", table, add_del, chain] rule += self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) rule += rule_fragment + rule_action rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.action.limit) return rule def _rich_rule_destination_fragment(self, rich_dest): if not rich_dest: return [] rule_fragment = [] if rich_dest.addr: if rich_dest.invert: rule_fragment.append("!") if check_single_address("ipv6", rich_dest.addr): rule_fragment += [ "-d", normalizeIP6(rich_dest.addr) ] elif check_address("ipv6", rich_dest.addr): addr_split = rich_dest.addr.split("/") rule_fragment += [ "-d", normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1] ] else: rule_fragment += [ "-d", rich_dest.addr ] elif rich_dest.ipset: rule_fragment += [ "-m", "set" ] if rich_dest.invert: rule_fragment.append("!") flags = self._fw.zone._ipset_match_flags(rich_dest.ipset, "dst") rule_fragment += [ "--match-set", rich_dest.ipset, flags ] return rule_fragment def _rich_rule_source_fragment(self, rich_source): if not rich_source: return [] rule_fragment = [] if rich_source.addr: if rich_source.invert: rule_fragment.append("!") if check_single_address("ipv6", rich_source.addr): rule_fragment += [ "-s", normalizeIP6(rich_source.addr) ] elif check_address("ipv6", rich_source.addr): addr_split = rich_source.addr.split("/") rule_fragment += [ "-s", normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1] ] else: rule_fragment += [ "-s", rich_source.addr ] elif hasattr(rich_source, "mac") and rich_source.mac: rule_fragment += [ "-m", "mac" ] if rich_source.invert: rule_fragment.append("!") rule_fragment += [ "--mac-source", rich_source.mac ] elif hasattr(rich_source, "ipset") and rich_source.ipset: rule_fragment += [ "-m", "set" ] if rich_source.invert: rule_fragment.append("!") flags = self._fw.zone._ipset_match_flags(rich_source.ipset, "src") rule_fragment += [ "--match-set", rich_source.ipset, flags ] return rule_fragment def build_policy_ports_rules(self, enable, policy, proto, port, destination=None, rich_rule=None): add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) rule_fragment = [ "-p", proto ] if port: rule_fragment += [ "--dport", "%s" % portStr(port) ] if destination: rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ] if rich_rule: rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) rules = [] if rich_rule: rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) else: rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (_policy), "-t", table] + rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) return rules def build_policy_protocol_rules(self, enable, policy, protocol, destination=None, rich_rule=None): add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) rule_fragment = [ "-p", protocol ] if destination: rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ] if rich_rule: rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) rules = [] if rich_rule: rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) else: rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (_policy), "-t", table] + rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) return rules def build_policy_tcp_mss_clamp_rules(self, enable, policy, tcp_mss_clamp_value, destination=None, rich_rule=None): chain_suffix = "allow" table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] rule_fragment = ["-p", "tcp", "--tcp-flags", "SYN,RST", "SYN"] if rich_rule: chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix(rich_rule) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) if tcp_mss_clamp_value == "pmtu" or tcp_mss_clamp_value is None: rule_fragment += ["-j", "TCPMSS", "--clamp-mss-to-pmtu"] else: rule_fragment += ["-j", "TCPMSS", "--set-mss", tcp_mss_clamp_value] return [["-t", "filter", add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] + rule_fragment] def build_policy_source_ports_rules(self, enable, policy, proto, port, destination=None, rich_rule=None): add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) rule_fragment = [ "-p", proto ] if port: rule_fragment += [ "--sport", "%s" % portStr(port) ] if destination: rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ] if rich_rule: rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) rules = [] if rich_rule: rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) else: rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (_policy), "-t", table] + rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) return rules def build_policy_helper_ports_rules(self, enable, policy, proto, port, destination, helper_name, module_short_name): table = "raw" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] rule = [ add_del, "%s_allow" % (_policy), "-t", "raw", "-p", proto ] if port: rule += [ "--dport", "%s" % portStr(port) ] if destination: rule += [ "-d", destination ] rule += [ "-j", "CT", "--helper", module_short_name ] return [rule] def build_zone_forward_rules(self, enable, zone, policy, table, interface=None, source=None): add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) rules = [] if interface: rules.append(["-t", "filter", add_del, "%s_allow" % _policy, "-o", interface, "-j", "ACCEPT"]) else: # source # iptables can not match destination MAC if check_mac(source): return [] rules.append(["-t", "filter", add_del, "%s_allow" % _policy] + self._rule_addr_fragment("-d", source) + ["-j", "ACCEPT"]) return rules def build_policy_masquerade_rules(self, enable, policy, rich_rule=None): table = "nat" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX, isSNAT=True) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] rule_fragment = [] if rich_rule: chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix(rich_rule) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) else: chain_suffix = "allow" rules = [] rules.append(["-t", "nat", add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] + rule_fragment + [ "!", "-o", "lo", "-j", "MASQUERADE" ]) return rules def build_policy_forward_port_rules(self, enable, policy, port, protocol, toport, toaddr, rich_rule=None): table = "nat" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] to = "" if toaddr: if check_single_address("ipv6", toaddr): to += "[%s]" % normalizeIP6(toaddr) else: to += toaddr if toport and toport != "": to += ":%s" % portStr(toport, "-") rule_fragment = [] if rich_rule: chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix(rich_rule) rule_fragment = self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) else: chain_suffix = "allow" rules = [] if rich_rule: rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, "nat", rule_fragment)) rules.append(["-t", "nat", add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] + rule_fragment + ["-p", protocol, "--dport", portStr(port), "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", to]) return rules def build_policy_icmp_block_rules(self, enable, policy, ict, rich_rule=None): table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable] if self.ipv == "ipv4": proto = [ "-p", "icmp" ] match = [ "-m", "icmp", "--icmp-type", ict.name ] else: proto = [ "-p", "ipv6-icmp" ] match = [ "-m", "icmp6", "--icmpv6-type", ict.name ] rules = [] if self._fw.policy.query_icmp_block_inversion(policy): final_chain = "%s_allow" % (_policy) final_target = "ACCEPT" else: final_chain = "%s_deny" % (_policy) final_target = "%%REJECT%%" rule_fragment = [] if rich_rule: rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) rule_fragment += proto + match if rich_rule: rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) if rich_rule.action: rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) else: chain_suffix = self._rich_rule_chain_suffix(rich_rule) rules.append(["-t", table, add_del, "%s_%s" % (_policy, chain_suffix)] + self._rich_rule_priority_fragment(rich_rule) + rule_fragment + [ "-j", "%%REJECT%%" ]) else: if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off" and final_target != "ACCEPT": rules.append([ add_del, final_chain, "-t", table ] + rule_fragment + [ "%%LOGTYPE%%", "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "%s_ICMP_BLOCK: " % policy ]) rules.append([ add_del, final_chain, "-t", table ] + rule_fragment + [ "-j", final_target ]) return rules def build_policy_icmp_block_inversion_rules(self, enable, policy): table = "filter" _policy = self._fw.policy.policy_base_chain_name(policy, table, POLICY_CHAIN_PREFIX) rules = [] rule_idx = 8 if self._fw.policy.query_icmp_block_inversion(policy): ibi_target = "%%REJECT%%" if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off": if enable: rule = [ "-I", _policy, str(rule_idx) ] else: rule = [ "-D", _policy ] rule = rule + [ "-t", table, "-p", "%%ICMP%%", "%%LOGTYPE%%", "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "%s_ICMP_BLOCK: " % _policy ] rules.append(rule) rule_idx += 1 else: ibi_target = "ACCEPT" if enable: rule = [ "-I", _policy, str(rule_idx) ] else: rule = [ "-D", _policy ] rule = rule + [ "-t", table, "-p", "%%ICMP%%", "-j", ibi_target ] rules.append(rule) return rules def build_policy_rich_source_destination_rules(self, enable, policy, rich_rule): table = "filter" rule_fragment = [] rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination) rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source) rules = [] rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(policy, rich_rule, enable, table, rule_fragment)) return rules def is_ipv_supported(self, ipv): return ipv == self.ipv class ip6tables(ip4tables): ipv = "ipv6" name = "ip6tables" def build_rpfilter_rules(self, log_denied=False): rules = [] rpfilter_fragment = ["-m", "rpfilter", "--invert", "--validmark"] if self._fw._ipv6_rpfilter == "loose": rpfilter_fragment += ["--loose"] rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "mangle" ] + rpfilter_fragment + [ "-j", "DROP" ]) if log_denied != "off": rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "mangle" ] + rpfilter_fragment + [ "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "rpfilter_DROP: " ]) rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "mangle", "-p", "ipv6-icmp", "--icmpv6-type=neighbour-solicitation", "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) # RHBZ#1575431, kernel bug in 4.16-4.17 rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "mangle", "-p", "ipv6-icmp", "--icmpv6-type=router-advertisement", "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) # RHBZ#1058505 return rules def build_rfc3964_ipv4_rules(self): daddr_list = [ "::", # IPv4 compatible "::ffff:", # IPv4 mapped "2002:0000::/24", # (the system has no address assigned yet) "2002:0a00::/24", # (private) "2002:7f00::/24", # (loopback) "2002:ac10::/28", # (private) "2002:c0a8::/32", # (private) "2002:a9fe::/32", # (IANA Assigned DHCP link-local) "2002:e000::/19", # (multicast), (reserved and broadcast) ] chain_name = "RFC3964_IPv4" self.our_chains["filter"].add(chain_name) rules = [] rules.append(["-t", "filter", "-N", chain_name]) for daddr in daddr_list: rules.append(["-t", "filter", "-I", chain_name, "-d", daddr, "-j", "REJECT", "--reject-with", "addr-unreach"]) if self._fw._log_denied in ["unicast", "all"]: rules.append(["-t", "filter", "-I", chain_name, "-d", daddr, "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "RFC3964_IPv4_REJECT: "]) # Inject into FORWARD and OUTPUT chains rules.append(["-t", "filter", "-I", "OUTPUT", "4", "-j", chain_name]) rules.append(["-t", "filter", "-I", "FORWARD", "6" if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off" else "5", "-j", chain_name]) return rules