Current Path : /lib/dracut/modules.d/99kdumpbase/ |
Current File : //lib/dracut/modules.d/99kdumpbase/module-setup.sh |
#!/usr/bin/bash _DRACUT_KDUMP_NM_TMP_DIR="$DRACUT_TMPDIR/$$-DRACUT_KDUMP_NM" _save_kdump_netifs() { unique_netifs[$1]=1 } _get_kdump_netifs() { echo -n "${!unique_netifs[@]}" } kdump_module_init() { if ! [[ -d "${initdir}/tmp" ]]; then mkdir -p "${initdir}/tmp" fi mkdir -p "$_DRACUT_KDUMP_NM_TMP_DIR" . /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh } check() { [[ $debug ]] && set -x #kdumpctl sets this explicitly if [[ -z $IN_KDUMP ]] || [[ ! -f /etc/kdump.conf ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } depends() { local _dep="base shutdown" kdump_module_init add_opt_module() { [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " != *\ $1\ * ]] && _dep="$_dep $1" } if is_squash_available; then add_opt_module squash else dwarning "Required modules to build a squashed kdump image is missing!" fi if is_wdt_active; then add_opt_module watchdog fi if is_ssh_dump_target; then _dep="$_dep ssh-client" fi if is_lvm2_thinp_dump_target; then if grep -q lvmthinpool-monitor <<< $(dracut --list-modules); then add_opt_module lvmthinpool-monitor else dwarning "Required lvmthinpool-monitor modules is missing! Please upgrade dracut >= 057." fi fi if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "s390x" ]]; then _dep="$_dep znet" fi if [[ -n "$(ls -A /sys/class/drm 2> /dev/null)" ]] || [[ -d /sys/module/hyperv_fb ]]; then add_opt_module drm fi if is_generic_fence_kdump || is_pcs_fence_kdump; then _dep="$_dep network" fi echo "$_dep" } kdump_is_bridge() { [[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bridge ]] } kdump_is_bond() { [[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bonding ]] } kdump_is_team() { [[ -f /usr/bin/teamnl ]] && teamnl "$1" ports &> /dev/null } kdump_is_vlan() { [[ -f /proc/net/vlan/"$1" ]] } # $1: netdev name source_ifcfg_file() { local ifcfg_file dwarning "Network Scripts are deprecated. You are encouraged to set up network by NetworkManager." ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_filename "$1") if [[ -f ${ifcfg_file} ]]; then . "${ifcfg_file}" else dwarning "The ifcfg file of $1 is not found!" fi } # $1: repeat times # $2: string to be repeated # $3: separator repeatedly_join_str() { local _count="$1" local _str="$2" local _separator="$3" local i _res if [[ $_count -le 0 ]]; then echo -n "" return fi i=0 _res="$_str" ((_count--)) while [[ $i -lt $_count ]]; do ((i++)) _res="${_res}${_separator}${_str}" done echo -n "$_res" } # $1: prefix # $2: ipv6_flag="-6" indicates it's IPv6 # Given a prefix, calculate the netmask (equivalent of "ipcalc -m") # by concatenating three parts, # 1) the groups with all bits set 1 # 2) a group with partial bits set to 0 # 3) the groups with all bits set to 0 cal_netmask_by_prefix() { local _prefix="$1" local _ipv6_flag="$2" _ipv6 local _bits_per_octet=8 local _count _res _octets_per_group _octets_total _seperator _total_groups local _max_group_value _max_group_value_repr _bits_per_group _tmp _zero_bits if [[ $_ipv6_flag == "-6" ]]; then _ipv6=1 else _ipv6=0 fi if [[ $_prefix -lt 0 || $_prefix -gt 128 ]] \ || ( ((!_ipv6)) && [[ $_prefix -gt 32 ]]); then derror "Bad prefix:$_prefix for calculating netmask" exit 1 fi if ((_ipv6)); then _octets_per_group=2 _octets_total=16 _seperator=":" else _octets_per_group=1 _octets_total=4 _seperator="." fi _total_groups=$((_octets_total / _octets_per_group)) _bits_per_group=$((_octets_per_group * _bits_per_octet)) _max_group_value=$(((1 << _bits_per_group) - 1)) if ((_ipv6)); then _max_group_value_repr=$(printf "%x" $_max_group_value) else _max_group_value_repr="$_max_group_value" fi _count=$((_prefix / _octets_per_group / _bits_per_octet)) _first_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "$_max_group_value_repr" "$_seperator") _res="$_first_part" _tmp=$((_octets_total * _bits_per_octet - _prefix)) _zero_bits=$((_tmp % _bits_per_group)) if [[ $_zero_bits -ne 0 ]]; then _second_part=$((_max_group_value >> _zero_bits << _zero_bits)) if ((_ipv6)); then _second_part=$(printf "%x" $_second_part) fi ((_count++)) if [[ -z $_first_part ]]; then _res="$_second_part" else _res="${_first_part}${_seperator}${_second_part}" fi fi _count=$((_total_groups - _count)) if [[ $_count -eq 0 ]]; then echo -n "$_res" return fi if ((_ipv6)) && [[ $_count -gt 1 ]]; then # use condensed notion for IPv6 _third_part=":" else _third_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "0" "$_seperator") fi if [[ -z $_res ]] && ((!_ipv6)); then echo -n "${_third_part}" else echo -n "${_res}${_seperator}${_third_part}" fi } kdump_get_mac_addr() { cat "/sys/class/net/$1/address" } #Bonding or team master modifies the mac address #of its slaves, we should use perm address kdump_get_perm_addr() { local addr addr=$(ethtool -P "$1" | sed -e 's/Permanent address: //') if [[ -z $addr ]] || [[ $addr == "00:00:00:00:00:00" ]]; then derror "Can't get the permanent address of $1" else echo "$addr" fi } apply_nm_initrd_generator_timeouts() { local _timeout_conf _timeout_conf=$_DRACUT_KDUMP_NM_TMP_DIR/timeout_conf cat << EOF > "$_timeout_conf" [device-95-kdump] carrier-wait-timeout=30000 [connection-95-kdump] ipv4.dhcp-timeout=90 ipv6.dhcp-timeout=90 EOF inst "$_timeout_conf" "/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/95-kdump-timeouts.conf" } use_ipv4_or_ipv6() { local _netif=$1 _uuid=$2 if [[ -v "ipv4_usage[$_netif]" ]]; then nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_uuid" ipv4.may-fail no &> >(ddebug) fi if [[ -v "ipv6_usage[$_netif]" ]]; then nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_uuid" ipv6.may-fail no &> >(ddebug) fi if [[ -v "ipv4_usage[$_netif]" ]] && [[ ! -v "ipv6_usage[$_netif]" ]]; then nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_uuid" ipv6.method disabled &> >(ddebug) elif [[ ! -v "ipv4_usage[$_netif]" ]] && [[ -v "ipv6_usage[$_netif]" ]]; then nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_uuid" ipv4.method disabled &> >(ddebug) fi } _clone_nmconnection() { local _clone_output _name _unique_id _unique_id=$1 _name=$(nmcli --get-values connection.id connection show "$_unique_id") if _clone_output=$(nmcli connection clone --temporary uuid "$_unique_id" "$_name"); then sed -E -n "s/.* \(.*\) cloned as.*\((.*)\)\.$/\1/p" <<< "$_clone_output" return 0 fi return 1 } _match_nmconnection_by_mac() { local _unique_id _dev _mac _mac_field _unique_id=$1 _dev=$2 _mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr "$_dev") [[ $_mac != 'not set' ]] || return _mac_field=$(nmcli --get-values connection.type connection show "$_unique_id").mac-address nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_unique_id" "$_mac_field" "$_mac" &> >(ddebug) nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_unique_id" "connection.interface-name" "" &> >(ddebug) } # Clone and modify NM connection profiles # # This function makes use of "nmcli clone" to automatically convert ifcfg-* # files to Networkmanager .nmconnection connection profiles and also modify the # properties of .nmconnection if necessary. clone_and_modify_nmconnection() { local _dev _cloned_nmconnection_file_path _tmp_nmconnection_file_path _old_uuid _uuid _dev=$1 _nmconnection_file_path=$2 _old_uuid=$(nmcli --get-values connection.uuid connection show filename "$_nmconnection_file_path") if ! _uuid=$(_clone_nmconnection "$_old_uuid"); then derror "Failed to clone $_old_uuid" exit 1 fi use_ipv4_or_ipv6 "$_dev" "$_uuid" nmcli connection modify --temporary uuid "$_uuid" connection.wait-device-timeout 60000 &> >(ddebug) # For physical NIC i.e. non-user created NIC, ask NM to match a # connection profile based on MAC address _match_nmconnection_by_mac "$_uuid" "$_dev" # If a value contain ":", nmcli by default escape it with "\:" because it # also uses ":" as the delimiter to separate values. In our case, escaping is not needed. _cloned_nmconnection_file_path=$(nmcli --escape no --get-values UUID,FILENAME connection show | sed -n "s/^${_uuid}://p") _tmp_nmconnection_file_path=$_DRACUT_KDUMP_NM_TMP_DIR/$(basename "$_nmconnection_file_path") cp "$_cloned_nmconnection_file_path" "$_tmp_nmconnection_file_path" # change uuid back to old value in case it's refered by other connection # profile e.g. connection.master could be interface name of the master # device or UUID of the master connection. sed -i -E "s/(^uuid=).*$/\1${_old_uuid}/g" "$_tmp_nmconnection_file_path" nmcli connection del "$_uuid" &> >(ddebug) echo -n "$_tmp_nmconnection_file_path" } _install_nmconnection() { local _src _nmconnection_name _dst _src=$1 _nmconnection_name=$(basename "$_src") _dst="/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/$_nmconnection_name" inst "$_src" "$_dst" } kdump_install_nmconnections() { local _netif _nm_conn_path _cloned_nm_path while IFS=: read -r _netif _nm_conn_path; do [[ -v "unique_netifs[$_netif]" ]] || continue if _cloned_nm_path=$(clone_and_modify_nmconnection "$_netif" "$_nm_conn_path"); then _install_nmconnection "$_cloned_nm_path" else derror "Failed to install the .nmconnection for $_netif" exit 1 fi done <<< "$(nmcli -t -f device,filename connection show --active)" # Stop dracut 35network-manger to calling nm-initrd-generator. # Note this line of code can be removed after NetworkManager >= 1.35.2 # gets released. echo > "${initdir}/usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator" } kdump_install_nm_netif_allowlist() { local _netif _except_netif _netif_allowlist _netif_allowlist_nm_conf for _netif in $1; do _per_mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr "$_netif") if [[ "$_per_mac" != 'not set' ]]; then _except_netif="mac:$_per_mac" else _except_netif="interface-name:$_netif" fi _netif_allowlist="${_netif_allowlist}except:${_except_netif};" done _netif_allowlist_nm_conf=$_DRACUT_KDUMP_NM_TMP_DIR/netif_allowlist_nm_conf cat << EOF > "$_netif_allowlist_nm_conf" [device-others] match-device=${_netif_allowlist} managed=false EOF inst "$_netif_allowlist_nm_conf" "/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-kdump-netif_allowlist.conf" } _get_nic_driver() { ethtool -i "$1" | sed -n -E "s/driver: (.*)/\1/p" } _get_hpyerv_physical_driver() { local _physical_nic _physical_nic=$(find /sys/class/net/"$1"/ -name 'lower_*' | sed -En "s/\/.*lower_(.*)/\1/p") [[ -n $_physical_nic ]] || return _get_nic_driver "$_physical_nic" } _get_physical_function_driver() { local _physfn_dir=/sys/class/net/"$1"/device/physfn if [[ -e "$_physfn_dir" ]]; then basename "$(readlink -f "$_physfn_dir"/driver)" fi } kdump_install_nic_driver() { local _netif _driver _drivers _drivers=('=drivers/net/phy' '=drivers/net/mdio') for _netif in $1; do [[ $_netif == lo ]] && continue _driver=$(_get_nic_driver "$_netif") if [[ -z $_driver ]]; then derror "Failed to get the driver of $_netif" exit 1 fi if [[ $_driver == "802.1Q VLAN Support" ]]; then # ethtool somehow doesn't return the driver name for a VLAN NIC _driver=8021q elif [[ $_driver == "team" ]]; then # install the team mode drivers like team_mode_roundrobin.ko as well _driver='=drivers/net/team' elif [[ $_driver == "hv_netvsc" ]]; then # A Hyper-V VM may have accelerated networking # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/accelerated-networking-overview # Install the driver of physical NIC as well _drivers+=("$(_get_hpyerv_physical_driver "$_netif")") fi _drivers+=("$_driver") # For a Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) virtual device, # the driver of physical device needs to be installed as well _drivers+=("$(_get_physical_function_driver "$_netif")") done [[ -n ${_drivers[*]} ]] || return instmods "${_drivers[@]}" } kdump_setup_bridge() { local _netdev=$1 local _dev for _dev in "/sys/class/net/$_netdev/brif/"*; do [[ -e $_dev ]] || continue _dev=${_dev##*/} if kdump_is_bond "$_dev"; then kdump_setup_bond "$_dev" || return 1 elif kdump_is_team "$_dev"; then kdump_setup_team "$_dev" elif kdump_is_vlan "$_dev"; then kdump_setup_vlan "$_dev" fi _save_kdump_netifs "$_dev" done } kdump_setup_bond() { local _netdev="$1" local _dev for _dev in $(< "/sys/class/net/$_netdev/bonding/slaves"); do _save_kdump_netifs "$_dev" done } kdump_setup_team() { local _netdev=$1 local _dev for _dev in $(teamnl "$_netdev" ports | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do _save_kdump_netifs "$_dev" done } kdump_setup_vlan() { local _netdev=$1 local _parent_netif _parent_netif="$(awk '/^Device:/{print $2}' /proc/net/vlan/"$_netdev")" #Just support vlan over bond and team if kdump_is_bridge "$_parent_netif"; then derror "Vlan over bridge is not supported!" exit 1 elif kdump_is_bond "$_parent_netif"; then kdump_setup_bond "$_parent_netif" || return 1 elif kdump_is_team "$_parent_netif"; then kdump_setup_team "$_parent_netif" || return 1 fi _save_kdump_netifs "$_parent_netif" } _find_znet_nmconnection() { LANG=C grep -s -E -i -l \ "^s390-subchannels=([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[a-f0-9]+;){0,2}" \ "$1"/*.nmconnection | LC_ALL=C sed -e "$2" } kdump_setup_ovs() { local _netdev="$1" local _dev _phy_if _phy_if=$(ovs_find_phy_if "$_netdev") if kdump_is_bridge "$_phy_if"; then kdump_setup_vlan "$_phy_if" elif kdump_is_bond "$_phy_if"; then kdump_setup_bond "$_phy_if" || return 1 elif kdump_is_team "$_phy_if"; then derror "Ovs bridge over team is not supported!" exit 1 fi _save_kdump_netifs "$_phy_if" } # setup s390 znet # # Note part of code is extracted from ccw_init provided by s390utils kdump_setup_znet() { local _config_file _unique_name _NM_conf_dir local __sed_discard_ignored_files='/\(~\|\.bak\|\.old\|\.orig\|\.rpmnew\|\.rpmorig\|\.rpmsave\)$/d' if [[ "$(uname -m)" != "s390x" ]]; then return fi _NM_conf_dir="/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections" _config_file=$(_find_znet_nmconnection "$initdir/$_NM_conf_dir" "$__sed_discard_ignored_files") if [[ -n "$_config_file" ]]; then ddebug "$_config_file has already contained the znet config" return fi _config_file=$(LANG=C grep -s -E -i -l \ "^[[:space:]]*SUBCHANNELS=['\"]?([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[a-f0-9]+,){0,2}" \ /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* \ | LC_ALL=C sed -e "$__sed_discard_ignored_files") if [[ -z "$_config_file" ]]; then _config_file=$(_find_znet_nmconnection "$_NM_conf_dir" "$__sed_discard_ignored_files") fi if [[ -n "$_config_file" ]]; then _unique_name=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) nmcli connection clone --temporary "$_config_file" "$_unique_name" &> >(ddebug) nmcli connection modify --temporary "$_unique_name" connection.autoconnect false inst "/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/${_unique_name}.nmconnection" "${_NM_conf_dir}/${_unique_name}.nmconnection" nmcli connection del "$_unique_name" &> >(ddebug) fi } kdump_get_remote_ip() { local _remote _remote_temp _remote=$(get_remote_host "$1") if is_hostname "$_remote"; then _remote_temp=$(getent ahosts "$_remote" | grep -v : | head -n 1) if [[ -z $_remote_temp ]]; then _remote_temp=$(getent ahosts "$_remote" | head -n 1) fi _remote=$(echo "$_remote_temp" | awk '{print $1}') fi echo "$_remote" } # Find the physical interface of Open vSwitch (Ovs) bridge # # The physical network interface has the same MAC address as the Ovs bridge ovs_find_phy_if() { local _mac _dev _mac=$(kdump_get_mac_addr $1) for _dev in $(ovs-vsctl list-ifaces $1); do if [[ $_mac == $(</sys/class/net/$_dev/address) ]]; then echo -n "$_dev" return fi done return 1 } # Tell if a network interface is an Open vSwitch (Ovs) bridge kdump_is_ovs_bridge() { [[ $(_get_nic_driver $1) == openvswitch ]] } # Collect netifs needed by kdump # $1: destination host kdump_collect_netif_usage() { local _destaddr _srcaddr _route _netdev _destaddr=$(kdump_get_remote_ip "$1") if ! _route=$(kdump_get_ip_route "$_destaddr"); then derror "Bad kdump network destination: $_destaddr" exit 1 fi _srcaddr=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "src") _netdev=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "dev") if kdump_is_bridge "$_netdev"; then kdump_setup_bridge "$_netdev" elif kdump_is_bond "$_netdev"; then kdump_setup_bond "$_netdev" || return 1 elif kdump_is_team "$_netdev"; then kdump_setup_team "$_netdev" elif kdump_is_vlan "$_netdev"; then kdump_setup_vlan "$_netdev" elif kdump_is_ovs_bridge "$_netdev"; then has_ovs_bridge=yes kdump_setup_ovs "$_netdev" fi _save_kdump_netifs "$_netdev" if [[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf ]]; then # network-manager module needs this parameter echo "rd.neednet" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf" fi if [[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpip.conf ]]; then echo "kdump_remote_ip=$_destaddr" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpip.conf" fi if is_ipv6_address "$_srcaddr"; then ipv6_usage[$_netdev]=1 else ipv4_usage[$_netdev]=1 fi } kdump_install_resolv_conf() { local _resolv_conf=/etc/resolv.conf _nm_conf_dir=/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d # Some users may choose to manage /etc/resolve.conf manually [1] # by setting dns=none or use a symbolic link resolve.conf [2]. # So resolve.conf should be installed to kdump initrd as well. To prevent # NM frome overwritting the user-configured resolve.conf in kdump initrd, # also set dns=none for NM. # # Note: # 1. When resolv.conf is managed by systemd-resolved.service, it could also be a # symbolic link. So exclude this case by teling if systemd-resolved is enabled. # # 2. It's harmless to blindly copy /etc/resolve.conf to the initrd because # by default in initramfs this file will be overwritten by # NetworkManager. If user manages it via a symbolic link, it's still # preserved because NM won't touch a symbolic link file. # # [1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=690404 # [2] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/configuring_and_managing_networking/manually-configuring-the-etc-resolv-conf-file_configuring-and-managing-networking systemctl -q is-enabled systemd-resolved 2> /dev/null && return 0 inst "$_resolv_conf" if NetworkManager --print-config | grep -qs "^dns=none"; then printf "[main]\ndns=none\n" > "${initdir}/${_nm_conf_dir}"/90-dns-none.conf fi } kdump_install_ovs_deps() { [[ $has_ovs_bridge == yes ]] || return 0 inst_multiple -o $(rpm -ql NetworkManager-ovs) $(rpm -ql $(rpm -qf /usr/lib/systemd/system/openvswitch.service)) /sbin/sysctl /usr/bin/uuidgen /usr/bin/hostname /usr/bin/touch /usr/bin/expr /usr/bin/id /usr/bin/install /usr/bin/setpriv /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/df # 1. Overwrite the copied /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch so # ovsdb-server.service can run as the default user root. # /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch by default intructs ovsdb-server.service to # run as USER=openvswitch, However openvswitch doesn't have the permission # to write to /tmp in kdump initrd and ovsdb-server.servie will fail # with the error "ovs-ctl[1190]: ovsdb-server: failed to create temporary # file (Permission denied)". So run ovsdb-server.service as root instead # # 2. Bypass the error "referential integrity violation: Table Port column # interfaces row" caused by we changing the connection profiles echo "OPTIONS=\"--ovsdb-server-options='--disable-file-column-diff'\"" >"${initdir}/etc/sysconfig/openvswitch" KDUMP_DROP_IN_DIR="${initdir}/etc/systemd/system/nm-initrd.service.d" mkdir -p "$KDUMP_DROP_IN_DIR" printf "[Unit]\nAfter=openvswitch.service\n" >$KDUMP_DROP_IN_DIR/01-after-ovs.conf $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" enable openvswitch.service $SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants basic.target openvswitch.service } # Setup dracut to bring up network interface that enable # initramfs accessing giving destination kdump_install_net() { local _netifs _netifs=$(_get_kdump_netifs) if [[ -n "$_netifs" ]]; then kdump_install_nmconnections apply_nm_initrd_generator_timeouts kdump_setup_znet kdump_install_nm_netif_allowlist "$_netifs" kdump_install_nic_driver "$_netifs" kdump_install_resolv_conf kdump_install_ovs_deps fi } # install etc/kdump/pre.d and /etc/kdump/post.d kdump_install_pre_post_conf() { if [[ -d /etc/kdump/pre.d ]]; then for file in /etc/kdump/pre.d/*; do if [[ -x $file ]]; then dracut_install "$file" elif [[ $file != "/etc/kdump/pre.d/*" ]]; then echo "$file is not executable" fi done fi if [[ -d /etc/kdump/post.d ]]; then for file in /etc/kdump/post.d/*; do if [[ -x $file ]]; then dracut_install "$file" elif [[ $file != "/etc/kdump/post.d/*" ]]; then echo "$file is not executable" fi done fi } default_dump_target_install_conf() { local _target _fstype local _mntpoint _save_path is_user_configured_dump_target && return _save_path=$(get_bind_mount_source "$(get_save_path)") _target=$(get_target_from_path "$_save_path") _mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$_target") _fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target "$_target") if is_fs_type_nfs "$_fstype"; then kdump_collect_netif_usage "$_target" _fstype="nfs" else _target=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_target") fi echo "$_fstype $_target" >> "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" # don't touch the path under root mount if [[ $_mntpoint != "/" ]]; then _save_path=${_save_path##"$_mntpoint"} fi #erase the old path line, then insert the parsed path sed -i "/^path/d" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" echo "path $_save_path" >> "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" } #install kdump.conf and what user specifies in kdump.conf kdump_install_conf() { local _opt _val _pdev kdump_read_conf > "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" while read -r _opt _val; do # remove inline comments after the end of a directive. case "$_opt" in raw) _pdev=$(persistent_policy="by-id" kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_val") sed -i -e "s#^${_opt}[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" ;; ext[234] | xfs | btrfs | minix | virtiofs) _pdev=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_val") sed -i -e "s#^${_opt}[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" ;; ssh | nfs) kdump_collect_netif_usage "$_val" ;; dracut_args) if [[ $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$_val") == nfs* ]]; then kdump_collect_netif_usage "$(get_dracut_args_target "$_val")" fi ;; kdump_pre | kdump_post | extra_bins) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 dracut_install $_val ;; core_collector) dracut_install "${_val%%[[:blank:]]*}" ;; esac done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)" kdump_install_pre_post_conf default_dump_target_install_conf kdump_configure_fence_kdump "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" inst "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" "/etc/kdump.conf" rm -f "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" } # Default sysctl parameters should suffice for kdump kernel. # Remove custom configurations sysctl.conf & sysctl.d/* remove_sysctl_conf() { # As custom configurations like vm.min_free_kbytes can lead # to OOM issues in kdump kernel, avoid them rm -f "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.conf" rm -rf "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.d" rm -rf "${initdir}/run/sysctl.d" rm -rf "${initdir}/usr/lib/sysctl.d" } kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val() { local result # The open-iscsi 742 release changed to using flat files in # /var/lib/iscsi. result=$(/sbin/iscsiadm --show -m session -r "$1" | grep "^${2} = ") result=${result##* = } echo "$result" } kdump_get_iscsi_initiator() { local _initiator local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi" [[ -f $initiator_conf ]] || return 1 while read -r _initiator; do [[ -z ${_initiator%%#*} ]] && continue # Skip comment lines case $_initiator in InitiatorName=*) initiator=${_initiator#InitiatorName=} echo "rd.iscsi.initiator=${initiator}" return 0 ;; *) ;; esac done < ${initiator_conf} return 1 } # Figure out iBFT session according to session type is_ibft() { [[ "$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$1" "node.discovery_type")" == fw ]] } kdump_setup_iscsi_device() { local path=$1 local tgt_name local tgt_ipaddr local username local password local userpwd_str local username_in local password_in local userpwd_in_str local netroot_str local initiator_str local netroot_conf="${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50iscsi.conf" local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi" dinfo "Found iscsi component $1" # Check once before getting explicit values, so we can bail out early, # e.g. in case of pure-hardware(all-offload) iscsi. if ! /sbin/iscsiadm -m session -r "$path" &> /dev/null; then return 1 fi if is_ibft "$path"; then return fi # Remove software iscsi cmdline generated by 95iscsi, # and let kdump regenerate here. rm -f "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95iscsi.conf" tgt_name=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.name") tgt_ipaddr=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.conn\[0\].address") # get and set username and password details username=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.username") [[ $username == "<empty>" ]] && username="" password=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.password") [[ $password == "<empty>" ]] && password="" username_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.username_in") [[ -n $username ]] && userpwd_str="$username:$password" # get and set incoming username and password details [[ $username_in == "<empty>" ]] && username_in="" password_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.password_in") [[ $password_in == "<empty>" ]] && password_in="" [[ -n $username_in ]] && userpwd_in_str=":$username_in:$password_in" kdump_collect_netif_usage "$tgt_ipaddr" # prepare netroot= command line # FIXME: Do we need to parse and set other parameters like protocol, port # iscsi_iface_name, netdev_name, LUN etc. if is_ipv6_address "$tgt_ipaddr"; then tgt_ipaddr="[$tgt_ipaddr]" fi netroot_str="netroot=iscsi:${userpwd_str}${userpwd_in_str}@$tgt_ipaddr::::$tgt_name" [[ -f $netroot_conf ]] || touch "$netroot_conf" # If netroot target does not exist already, append. if ! grep -q "$netroot_str" "$netroot_conf"; then echo "$netroot_str" >> "$netroot_conf" dinfo "Appended $netroot_str to $netroot_conf" fi # Setup initator if ! initiator_str=$(kdump_get_iscsi_initiator); then derror "Failed to get initiator name" return 1 fi # If initiator details do not exist already, append. if ! grep -q "$initiator_str" "$netroot_conf"; then echo "$initiator_str" >> "$netroot_conf" dinfo "Appended $initiator_str to $netroot_conf" fi } kdump_check_iscsi_targets() { # If our prerequisites are not met, fail anyways. type -P iscsistart > /dev/null || return 1 kdump_check_setup_iscsi() { local _dev _dev=$1 [[ -L /sys/dev/block/$_dev ]] || return cd "$(readlink -f "/sys/dev/block/$_dev")" || return 1 until [[ -d sys || -d iscsi_session ]]; do cd .. done [[ -d iscsi_session ]] && kdump_setup_iscsi_device "$PWD" } [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && { for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all kdump_check_setup_iscsi } } # hostname -a is deprecated, do it by ourself get_alias() { local ips local entries local alias_set ips=$(hostname -I) for ip in $ips; do # in /etc/hosts, alias can come at the 2nd column if entries=$(grep "$ip" /etc/hosts | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }'); then alias_set="$alias_set $entries" fi done echo "$alias_set" } is_localhost() { local hostnames local shortnames local aliasname local nodename=$1 hostnames=$(hostname -A) shortnames=$(hostname -A -s) aliasname=$(get_alias) hostnames="$hostnames $shortnames $aliasname" for name in ${hostnames}; do if [[ $name == "$nodename" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } # retrieves fence_kdump nodes from Pacemaker cluster configuration get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes() { local nodes pcs cluster sync > /dev/null 2>&1 && pcs cluster cib-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1 # get cluster nodes from cluster cib, get interface and ip address nodelist=$(pcs cluster cib | xmllint --xpath "/cib/status/node_state/@uname" -) # nodelist is formed as 'uname="node1" uname="node2" ... uname="nodeX"' # we need to convert each to node1, node2 ... nodeX in each iteration for node in ${nodelist}; do # convert $node from 'uname="nodeX"' to 'nodeX' eval "$node" nodename="$uname" # Skip its own node name if is_localhost "$nodename"; then continue fi nodes="$nodes $nodename" done echo "$nodes" } # retrieves fence_kdump args from config file get_pcs_fence_kdump_args() { if [[ -f $FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then . "$FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" echo "$FENCE_KDUMP_OPTS" fi } get_generic_fence_kdump_nodes() { local filtered local nodes nodes=$(kdump_get_conf_val "fence_kdump_nodes") for node in ${nodes}; do # Skip its own node name if is_localhost "$node"; then continue fi filtered="$filtered $node" done echo "$filtered" } # setup fence_kdump in cluster # setup proper network and install needed files kdump_configure_fence_kdump() { local kdump_cfg_file=$1 local nodes local args if is_generic_fence_kdump; then nodes=$(get_generic_fence_kdump_nodes) elif is_pcs_fence_kdump; then nodes=$(get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes) # set appropriate options in kdump.conf echo "fence_kdump_nodes $nodes" >> "${kdump_cfg_file}" args=$(get_pcs_fence_kdump_args) if [[ -n $args ]]; then echo "fence_kdump_args $args" >> "${kdump_cfg_file}" fi else # fence_kdump not configured return 1 fi # setup network for each node for node in ${nodes}; do kdump_collect_netif_usage "$node" done dracut_install /etc/hosts dracut_install /etc/nsswitch.conf dracut_install "$FENCE_KDUMP_SEND" } # Install a random seed used to feed /dev/urandom # By the time kdump service starts, /dev/uramdom is already fed by systemd kdump_install_random_seed() { local poolsize poolsize=$(< /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize) if [[ ! -d "${initdir}/var/lib/" ]]; then mkdir -p "${initdir}/var/lib/" fi dd if=/dev/urandom of="${initdir}/var/lib/random-seed" \ bs="$poolsize" count=1 2> /dev/null } kdump_install_systemd_conf() { # Kdump turns out to require longer default systemd mount timeout # than 1st kernel(90s by default), we use default 300s for kdump. if ! grep -q -r "^[[:space:]]*DefaultTimeoutStartSec=" "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf"*; then mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d" echo "[Manager]" > "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf" echo "DefaultTimeoutStartSec=300s" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf" fi # Forward logs to console directly, and don't read Kmsg, this avoids # unneccessary memory consumption and make console output more useful. # Only do so for non fadump image. mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d" echo "[Journal]" > "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf" echo "Storage=volatile" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf" echo "ReadKMsg=no" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf" echo "ForwardToConsole=yes" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf" } remove_cpu_online_rule() { local file=${initdir}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/40-redhat.rules sed -i '/SUBSYSTEM=="cpu"/d' "$file" } install() { declare -A unique_netifs ipv4_usage ipv6_usage local arch has_ovs_bridge kdump_module_init kdump_install_conf remove_sysctl_conf # Onlining secondary cpus breaks kdump completely on KVM on Power hosts # Though we use maxcpus=1 by default but 40-redhat.rules will bring up all # possible cpus by default. (rhbz1270174 rhbz1266322) # Thus before we get the kernel fix and the systemd rule fix let's remove # the cpu online rule in kdump initramfs. arch=$(uname -m) if [[ "$arch" = "ppc64le" ]] || [[ "$arch" = "ppc64" ]]; then remove_cpu_online_rule fi if is_ssh_dump_target; then kdump_install_random_seed fi dracut_install -o /etc/adjtime /etc/localtime inst "$moddir/monitor_dd_progress" "/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress" chmod +x "${initdir}/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress" inst "/bin/dd" "/bin/dd" inst "/bin/tail" "/bin/tail" inst "/bin/date" "/bin/date" inst "/bin/sync" "/bin/sync" inst "/bin/cut" "/bin/cut" inst "/bin/head" "/bin/head" inst "/bin/awk" "/bin/awk" inst "/bin/sed" "/bin/sed" inst "/bin/stat" "/bin/stat" inst "/sbin/makedumpfile" "/sbin/makedumpfile" inst "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg" "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg" inst "/usr/bin/printf" "/sbin/printf" inst "/usr/bin/logger" "/sbin/logger" inst "/usr/bin/chmod" "/sbin/chmod" inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh" "/lib/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh" inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh" "/lib/kdump-logger.sh" inst "$moddir/kdump.sh" "/usr/bin/kdump.sh" inst "$moddir/kdump-capture.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/kdump-capture.service" systemctl -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target kdump-capture.service # Replace existing emergency service and emergency target cp "$moddir/kdump-emergency.service" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service" cp "$moddir/kdump-emergency.target" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.target" # Also redirect dracut-emergency to kdump error handler ln_r "$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/dracut-emergency.service" # Disable ostree as we only need the physical root systemctl -q --root "$initdir" mask ostree-prepare-root.service # Check for all the devices and if any device is iscsi, bring up iscsi # target. Ideally all this should be pushed into dracut iscsi module # at some point of time. kdump_check_iscsi_targets kdump_install_systemd_conf # nfs/ssh dump will need to get host ip in second kernel and need to call 'ip' tool, see get_host_ip for more detail if is_nfs_dump_target || is_ssh_dump_target; then inst "ip" fi kdump_install_net # For the lvm type target under kdump, in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf we can # safely replace "reserved_memory=XXXX"(default value is 8192) with # "reserved_memory=1024" to lower memory pressure under kdump. We do # it unconditionally here, if "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" doesn't exist, it # actually does nothing. sed -i -e \ 's/\(^[[:space:]]*reserved_memory[[:space:]]*=\)[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*/\1 1024/' \ "${initdir}/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" &> /dev/null # Skip initrd-cleanup.service and initrd-parse-etc.service becasue we don't # need to switch root. Instead of removing them, we use ConditionPathExists # to check if /proc/vmcore exists to determine if we are in kdump. sed -i '/\[Unit\]/a ConditionPathExists=!\/proc\/vmcore' \ "${initdir}/${systemdsystemunitdir}/initrd-cleanup.service" &> /dev/null sed -i '/\[Unit\]/a ConditionPathExists=!\/proc\/vmcore' \ "${initdir}/${systemdsystemunitdir}/initrd-parse-etc.service" &> /dev/null # Save more memory by dropping switch root capability dracut_no_switch_root }