Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/themes/js/scripts/wc/ |
Current File : //home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/themes/js/scripts/wc/woodmartCompare.js |
/* global woodmart_settings */ (function($) { woodmartThemeModule.$document.on('wdShopPageInit wdUpdateWishlist wdArrowsLoadProducts wdLoadMoreLoadProducts wdProductsTabsLoaded wdSearchFullScreenContentLoaded wdBackHistory wdRecentlyViewedProductLoaded', function() { woodmartThemeModule.woodmartCompareUpdateState(); }); woodmartThemeModule.woodmartCompare = function() { var cookiesName = 'woodmart_compare_list'; if (woodmart_settings.is_multisite) { cookiesName += '_' + woodmart_settings.current_blog_id; } if ( typeof Cookies === 'undefined' ) { return; } var $body = woodmartThemeModule.$body, $widget = $('.wd-header-compare'), compareCookie = Cookies.get(cookiesName); if ($widget.length > 0) { if ('undefined' !== typeof compareCookie) { try { var ids = JSON.parse(compareCookie); $widget.find('.wd-tools-count').text(ids.length); } catch (e) { console.log('cant parse cookies json'); } } else { $widget.find('.wd-tools-count').text(0); } if ( 'undefined' !== typeof woodmart_settings.compare_by_category && 'yes' === woodmart_settings.compare_by_category ) { try { getProductsCategory(); } catch (e) { getAjaxProductCategory(); } } } $body.on('click', '.wd-compare-btn a', function(e) { var $this = $(this), id = $this.data('id'), $widget = $('.wd-header-compare'); if ($this.hasClass('added')) { return true; } e.preventDefault(); if ( ! $widget.find('.wd-dropdown-compare').length ) { var products = []; var productsCookies = Cookies.get(cookiesName); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof productsCookies && productsCookies ) { products = Object.values( JSON.parse(productsCookies) ); } if ( ! products.length || -1 === products.indexOf(id.toString()) ) { products.push( id.toString() ); } var count = products.length; updateCountWidget(count); Cookies.set(cookiesName, JSON.stringify(products), { expires: 7, path : woodmart_settings.cookie_path, secure : woodmart_settings.cookie_secure_param }); updateButton( $this ); return; } $this.addClass('loading'); jQuery.ajax({ url : woodmart_settings.ajaxurl, data : { action: 'woodmart_add_to_compare', id : id }, dataType: 'json', method : 'GET', success : function(response) { if ( response.count ) { var $widget = $('.wd-header-compare'); if ($widget.length > 0) { $widget.find('.wd-tools-count').text(response.count); } updateButton( $this ); } else { console.log('something wrong loading compare data ', response); } if (response.fragments) { $.each( response.fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith(value); }); sessionStorage.setItem( cookiesName + '_fragments', JSON.stringify( response.fragments ) ); } }, error : function() { console.log('We cant add to compare. Something wrong with AJAX response. Probably some PHP conflict.'); }, complete: function() { $this.removeClass('loading'); } }); }); $body.on('click', '.wd-compare-remove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), id = $this.data('id'), categoryId = ''; if ('undefined' !== typeof woodmart_settings.compare_by_category && 'yes' === woodmart_settings.compare_by_category) { categoryId = $this.parents('.wd-compare-table').data('category-id'); if ( categoryId && 1 >= $this.parents('.compare-value').siblings().length ) { removeProductCategory( categoryId, $this.parents('.wd-compare-page') ); return; } } $this.addClass('loading'); jQuery.ajax({ url : woodmart_settings.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'woodmart_remove_from_compare', id : id, category_id: categoryId, key : woodmart_settings.compare_page_nonce, }, dataType: 'json', method : 'GET', success : function(response) { if (response.table) { updateCompare(response); if (response.fragments) { $.each( response.fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith(value); }); sessionStorage.setItem( cookiesName + '_fragments', JSON.stringify( response.fragments ) ); } } else { console.log('something wrong loading compare data ', response); } }, error : function() { console.log('We cant remove product compare. Something wrong with AJAX response. Probably some PHP conflict.'); }, complete: function() { $this.remove('loading'); } }); }); $body.on('change', '.wd-compare-select', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var $wrapper = $this.parents('.wd-compare-page'); var $activeCompareTable = $wrapper.find('.wd-compare-table[data-category-id=' + $this.val() + ']'); var $oldActiveCompareTable = $wrapper.find('.wd-compare-table.wd-active'); var animationTime = 100; $wrapper.find('.wd-compare-cat-link').attr( 'href', $activeCompareTable.data('category-url') ); $oldActiveCompareTable.removeClass('wd-in'); setTimeout(function() { $oldActiveCompareTable.removeClass('wd-active'); }, animationTime); setTimeout(function() { $activeCompareTable.addClass('wd-active'); }, animationTime); setTimeout(function() { $activeCompareTable.addClass('wd-in'); woodmartThemeModule.$document.trigger('wood-images-loaded'); }, animationTime * 2); }); $body.on('click', '.wd-compare-remove-cat', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var activeCategory = $this.parents('.wd-compare-header').find('.wd-compare-select').val(); var $wrapper = $this.parents('.wd-compare-page'); removeProductCategory( activeCategory, $wrapper ); }); function removeProductCategory( activeCategory, $wrapper ) { var $loader = $wrapper.find('.wd-loader-overlay'); $loader.addClass('wd-loading'); jQuery.ajax({ url : woodmart_settings.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'woodmart_remove_category_from_compare', category_id: activeCategory, key : woodmart_settings.compare_page_nonce, }, dataType: 'json', method : 'GET', success : function(response) { if (response.table) { updateCompare(response); if (response.fragments) { $.each( response.fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith(value); }); sessionStorage.setItem( cookiesName + '_fragments', JSON.stringify( response.fragments ) ); } } else { console.log('something wrong loading compare data ', response); } }, error : function() { console.log('We cant remove product compare. Something wrong with AJAX response. Probably some PHP conflict.'); }, complete: function() { $loader.removeClass('wd-loading'); var $compareTable = $('.wd-compare-table').first(); setTimeout(function() { $compareTable.addClass('wd-active'); }, 100); setTimeout(function() { $compareTable.addClass('wd-in'); woodmartThemeModule.$document.trigger('wood-images-loaded'); }, 200); } }); } function updateCompare(data) { var $widget = $('.wd-header-compare'); if ($widget.length > 0) { $widget.find('.wd-tools-count').text(data.count); } woodmartThemeModule.removeDuplicatedStylesFromHTML(data.table, function(html) { var $wcCompareWrapper = $('.wd-compare-page'); var $wcCompareTable = $('.wd-compare-table'); if ($wcCompareWrapper.length > 0) { $wcCompareWrapper.replaceWith(html); } else if ($wcCompareTable.length > 0) { $wcCompareTable.replaceWith(html); } }); if ('undefined' !== typeof woodmart_settings.compare_by_category && 'yes' === woodmart_settings.compare_by_category) { woodmartThemeModule.$document.trigger('wdTabsInit'); } } function getProductsCategory() { if ( woodmartThemeModule.supports_html5_storage ) { var fragmentProductCategory = JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem( cookiesName + '_fragments' ) ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof actions && ( actions.is_lang_switched === '1' || actions.force_reset === '1' ) ) { fragmentProductCategory = ''; } if ( fragmentProductCategory ) { $.each( fragmentProductCategory, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith(value); }); } else { getAjaxProductCategory(); } } else { getAjaxProductCategory(); } } function getAjaxProductCategory() { jQuery.ajax({ url : woodmart_settings.ajaxurl, data : { action : 'woodmart_get_fragment_product_category_compare', }, dataType: 'json', method : 'GET', success : function(response) { if (response.fragments) { $.each( response.fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith(value); }); sessionStorage.setItem( cookiesName + '_fragments', JSON.stringify( response.fragments ) ); } else { console.log('something wrong loading compare data ', response); } }, error : function() { console.log('We cant remove product compare. Something wrong with AJAX response. Probably some PHP conflict.'); }, }); } function updateButton( $button ) { var addedText = $button.data('added-text'); if ($button.find('span').length > 0) { $button.find('span').text(addedText); } else { $button.text(addedText); } $button.addClass('added'); woodmartThemeModule.$document.trigger('added_to_compare'); } function updateCountWidget(count) { var $widget = $('.wd-header-compare'); if ($widget.length > 0) { $widget.find('.wd-tools-count').text(count); } } }; woodmartThemeModule.woodmartCompareUpdateState = function() { if ( 'undefined' === typeof woodmart_settings.compare_save_button_state || 'yes' !== woodmart_settings.compare_save_button_state || 'undefined' === typeof Cookies ) { return; } var cookiesName = 'woodmart_compare_list'; var products = []; if (woodmart_settings.is_multisite) { cookiesName += '_' + woodmart_settings.current_blog_id; } var productsCookies = Cookies.get(cookiesName); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof productsCookies && productsCookies ) { products = Object.values( JSON.parse(productsCookies) ); } if ( ! products.length ) { return; } $.each(products, function( index, id ) { var $button = $('.wd-compare-btn a[data-id=' + id + ']'); if ( ! $button.length || $button.hasClass('added') ) { return; } $button.addClass('added'); var addedText = $button.data('added-text'); if ($button.find('span').length > 0) { $button.find('span').text(addedText); } else { $button.text(addedText); } }); }; $(document).ready(function() { woodmartThemeModule.woodmartCompare(); woodmartThemeModule.woodmartCompareUpdateState(); }); })(jQuery);