Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/admin/includes/ |
Current File : //home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/admin/includes/template.class.php |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link https://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderTemplate extends RevSliderFunctions { private $templates_list = 'revslider/get-list.php'; private $templates_download = 'revslider/download.php'; public $templates_server_path = '/revslider/images/'; private $templates_path = '/revslider/templates/'; private $curl_check = null; const SHOP_VERSION = '2.0'; /** * Download template by UID (also validates if download is legal) * @since: 5.0.5 */ public function _download_template($uid){ $rslb = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderLoadBalancer'); $return = false; $uid = $this->clear_uid($uid); $uid = esc_attr($uid); $code = ($this->_truefalse(get_option('revslider-valid', 'false')) === false) ? '' : get_option('revslider-code', ''); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder // Check folder permission and define file location if(wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['basedir'].$this->templates_path)){ //check here to not flood the server $data = array( 'code' => urlencode($code), 'shop_version' => urlencode(self::SHOP_VERSION), 'version' => urlencode(RS_REVISION), 'uid' => urlencode($uid), 'product' => urlencode(RS_PLUGIN_SLUG) ); $request = $rslb->call_url($this->templates_download, $data, 'templates'); if(!is_wp_error($request)){ if($response = $this->get_val($request, 'body')){ if($response !== 'invalid'){ //add stream as a zip file $file = $upload_dir['basedir']. $this->templates_path . '/' . $uid.'.zip'; @mkdir(dirname($file)); $ret = @file_put_contents( $file, $response ); if($ret !== false){ //return $file so it can be processed. We have now downloaded it into a zip file $return = $file; }else{//else, print that file could not be written $return = array('error' => __('Can\'t write the file into the uploads folder of WordPress, please change permissions and try again!', 'revslider')); } }else{ $return = array('error' => __('License Key is invalid', 'revslider')); } } }else{//else, check for error and print it to customer $return = array('error' => __('Can\'t connect programatically to the ThemePunch servers, please check your webserver settings', 'revslider')); } }else{ $return = array('error' => __('Can\'t write into the uploads folder of WordPress, please change permissions and try again!', 'revslider')); } return $return; } /** * Delete the Template file * @since: 5.0.5 */ public function _delete_template($uid){ $uid = $this->clear_uid($uid); $uid = esc_attr($uid); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); //Set upload folder // Check folder permission and define file location if(wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path)){ $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $uid.'.zip'; if(file_exists($file)) return unlink($file); //delete file } return false; } /** * Get the Templatelist from servers * @since: 5.0.5 */ public function _get_template_list($force = false){ $rslb = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderLoadBalancer'); $last_check = get_option('revslider-templates-check'); if($last_check == false){ //first time called $last_check = 172801; update_option('revslider-templates-check', time()); } // Get latest Templates if(time() - $last_check > 345600 || $force == true){ //4 days update_option('revslider-templates-check', time()); $hash = ($force === true) ? '' : get_option('revslider-templates-hash', ''); $code = ($this->_truefalse(get_option('revslider-valid', 'false')) === false) ? '' : get_option('revslider-code', ''); $data = array( 'code' => urlencode($code), 'shop_version' => urlencode(self::SHOP_VERSION), 'hash' => urlencode($hash), 'version' => urlencode(RS_REVISION), 'product' => urlencode(RS_PLUGIN_SLUG) ); $request = $rslb->call_url($this->templates_list, $data, 'templates'); if(!is_wp_error($request)){ if($response = maybe_unserialize($request['body'])){ $templates = json_decode($response, true); if(is_array($templates)){ if(isset($templates['hash'])) update_option('revslider-templates-hash', $templates['hash']); $templates = $this->do_compress($templates); $upd = update_option('rs-templates-new', $templates, false); } } } $this->update_template_list(); } } /** * Update the Templatelist, move rs-templates-new into rs-templates * @since: 5.0.5 */ private function update_template_list(){ $new = get_option('rs-templates-new', false); $new = $this->do_uncompress($new); $cur = get_option('rs-templates', false); $cur = $this->do_uncompress($cur); $counter = 0; if($new !== false && !empty($new) && is_array($new)){ if(empty($cur)){ $cur = $new; $counter = (isset($cur['slider']) && is_array($cur['slider'])) ? count($cur['slider']) : $counter; }else{ if(isset($new['slider']) && is_array($new['slider'])){ if(isset($cur['slider']) && is_array($cur['slider']) && isset($new['slider']) && is_array($cur['slider'])){ $_n = count($new['slider']); $_c = count($cur['slider']); $counter = ($_n > $_c) ? $_n - $_c : $counter; } foreach($new['slider'] as $n){ $found = false; if(isset($cur['slider']) && is_array($cur['slider'])){ foreach($cur['slider'] as $ck => $c){ if($c['uid'] == $n['uid']){ if(version_compare($c['version'], $n['version'], '<')){ $n['is_new'] = true; $n['push_image'] = true; //push to get new image and replace } if(isset($c['is_new'])) $n['is_new'] = true; //is_new will stay until update is done $n['exists'] = true; //if this flag is not set here, the template will be removed from the list if(isset($n['new_slider'])){ unset($n['new_slider']); //remove this again, as the new flag should be removed now } $cur['slider'][$ck] = $n; $found = true; break; } } } if(!$found){ $n['exists'] = true; $n['new_slider'] = true; $cur['slider'][] = $n; } } foreach($cur['slider'] as $ck => $c){ //remove no longer available Slider if(!isset($c['exists'])){ unset($cur['slider'][$ck]); }else{ unset($cur['slider'][$ck]['exists']); } } $cur['slides'] = $new['slides']; // push always all slides } } $cur = $this->do_compress($cur); update_option('rs-templates', $cur, false); update_option('rs-templates-new', false, false); //$this->_update_images(); } update_option('rs-templates-counter', $counter, false); } /** * Remove the is_new attribute which shows the "update available" button * @since: 5.0.5 */ public function remove_is_new($uid){ $cur = get_option('rs-templates', false); $cur = $this->do_uncompress($cur); if(is_array($cur) && isset($cur['slider']) && is_array($cur['slider'])){ foreach($cur['slider'] as $ck => $c){ if($c['uid'] == $uid){ unset($cur['slider'][$ck]['is_new']); break; } } } $cur = $this->do_compress($cur); update_option('rs-templates', $cur, false); } /** * Update the Images get them from Server and check for existance on each image * @since: 5.0.5 * @param bool $img */ private function _update_images($img = false){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $rslb = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderLoadBalancer'); $templates = get_option('rs-templates', false); $templates = $this->do_uncompress($templates); $chk = $this->check_curl_connection(); $curl = ($chk) ? new WP_Http_Curl() : false; $url = $rslb->get_url('templates', 0, true); $reload = array(); $loaded = false; if(!empty($templates) && is_array($templates)){ $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder if(!empty($templates['slider']) && is_array($templates['slider'])){ foreach($templates['slider'] as $key => $temp){ if($img !== false){ //we want to download a certain image, check for it $temp_img = $this->get_val($temp, 'img'); if($temp_img !== $img) continue; $file_type = wp_check_filetype($temp_img, $this->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('mime_types', 'image'))); if($this->get_val($file_type, 'ext', false) === false || $this->get_val($file_type, 'type', false) === false) continue; } // Check folder permission and define file location if(wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['basedir']. $this->templates_path)){ $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $temp['img']; if(!file_exists($file) || isset($temp['push_image'])){ if($curl !== false){ $done = false; $count = 0; do{ $image_data = @$curl->request($url.'/'.$this->templates_server_path.$temp['img']); // Get image data if(!is_wp_error($image_data) && isset($image_data['body']) && isset($image_data['response']) && isset($image_data['response']['code']) && $image_data['response']['code'] == '200'){ $image_data = $this->get_val($image_data, 'body'); $done = true; }else{ $image_data = false; $rslb->move_server_list(); $url = $rslb->get_url('templates', 0, true); } $count++; }while($done == false && $count < 3); }else{ $count = 0; do{ $image_data = wp_safe_remote_get($url.'/'.$this->templates_server_path.$temp['img'], array('timeout' => 10)); if(!is_wp_error($image_data) && isset($image_data['body']) && isset($image_data['response']) && isset($image_data['response']['code']) && $image_data['response']['code'] == '200'){ $done = true; $image_data = $this->get_val($image_data, 'body'); }else{ $image_data = false; $rslb->move_server_list(); $url = $rslb->get_url('templates', 0, true); } $count++; }while($done == false && $count < 3); } if($image_data !== false){ $reload[$temp['alias']] = true; unset($templates['slider'][$key]['push_image']); if(!is_dir(dirname($file))){ mkdir(dirname($file), 0777, true); } @file_put_contents($file, $image_data); $loaded = $file; } }else{//use default image } }else{//use default images } } } if($loaded === false){ if(!empty($templates['slides']) && is_array($templates['slides'])){ foreach($templates['slides'] as $key => $temp){ foreach($temp as $k => $tvalues){ if($img !== false){ //we want to download a certain image, check for it $temp_img = $this->get_val($tvalues, 'img'); if($temp_img !== $img) continue; $file_type = wp_check_filetype($temp_img, $this->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('mime_types', 'image'))); if($this->get_val($file_type, 'ext', false) === false || $this->get_val($file_type, 'type', false) === false) continue; } // Check folder permission and define file location if(wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['basedir']. $this->templates_path)){ $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $tvalues['img']; if(!file_exists($file) || isset($reload[$key])){ //update, so load again if($curl !== false){ //curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, RS_PLUGIN_PATH.'cert.crt'); //'sslcertificates' $done = false; $count = 0; do{ $image_data = @$curl->request($url.'/'.$this->templates_server_path.$tvalues['img']); // Get image data if(!is_wp_error($image_data) && isset($image_data['body']) && isset($image_data['response']) && isset($image_data['response']['code']) && $image_data['response']['code'] == '200'){ $image_data = $image_data['body']; $done = true; }else{ $image_data = false; $rslb->move_server_list(); $url = $rslb->get_url('templates', 0, true); } $count++; }while($done == false && $count < 5); }else{ $count = 0; do{ $image_data = @file_get_contents($url.'/'.$this->templates_server_path.$tvalues['img']); // Get image data if($image_data == false){ $rslb->move_server_list(); $url = $rslb->get_url('templates', 0, true); } $count++; }while($image_data == false && $count < 5); } if($image_data !== false){ if(!is_dir(dirname($file))){ mkdir(dirname($file), 0777, true); } file_put_contents($file, $image_data); } } } } } } } } $templates = $this->do_compress($templates); update_option('rs-templates', $templates, false); //remove the push_image } /** * get default ThemePunch default Slides * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderTemplate::getThemePunchTemplateSlides() * @param bool $sliders */ public function get_tp_template_slides($sliders = false){ global $wpdb; $templates = array(); if($sliders == false) $sliders = $this->get_tp_template_sliders(); foreach($sliders ?? [] as $slider){ $slides = $this->get_tp_template_default_slides($slider['alias']); $installed = false; if($this->get_val($slider, 'installed', false) !== false){ $cur_slides = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES ." WHERE slider_id = %s", $slider['installed']), ARRAY_A); $installed = true; }else{ $cur_slides = $slides; } if(!empty($cur_slides)){ $i = 1; foreach($cur_slides as $key => $tmpl){ if(isset($slides[$key]) && !empty($slides[$key]['img'])) $cur_slides[$key]['img'] = $this->_check_file_path($slides[$key]['img'], true, false); if($this->get_val($tmpl, 'title', false) === false) $cur_slides[$key]['title'] = 'Slide '.$i; $cur_slides[$key]['uid'] = $this->get_val($slider, 'uid'); $cur_slides[$key]['parent'] = $this->get_val($slider, 'id'); if($installed){ $cur_slides[$key]['installed'] = $this->get_val($tmpl, 'id'); } //addon requirements $cur_slides[$key]['plugin_require'] = $this->get_val($slider, 'plugin_require', array()); $i++; } } $templates = array_merge($templates, $cur_slides); } foreach($templates ?? [] as $key => $template){ if($this->get_val($template, 'installed', false) === false) continue; $template['params'] = $this->get_val($template, 'params', ''); $template['layers'] = $this->get_val($template, 'layers', ''); $template['settings'] = $this->get_val($template, 'settings', ''); $templates[$key]['params'] = json_decode($template['params'], true); //$templates[$key]['layers'] = json_decode($template['layers'], true); $templates[$key]['settings'] = json_decode($template['settings'], true); } return $templates; } /** * get default ThemePunch default Slides * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderTemplate::getThemePunchTemplateDefaultSlides() */ public function get_tp_template_default_slides($slider_alias){ $templates = get_option('rs-templates', false); $templates = $this->do_uncompress($templates); $slides = (is_array($templates) && isset($templates['slides']) && !empty($templates['slides'])) ? $templates['slides'] : array(); return (isset($slides[$slider_alias])) ? $slides[$slider_alias] : array(); } /** * get default ThemePunch default Sliders * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderTemplate::getThemePunchTemplateSliders() * */ public function get_tp_template_sliders($uid = false){ global $wpdb; $plugin_list = array(); $defaults = get_option('rs-templates', false); $defaults = $this->do_uncompress($defaults); $defaults = $this->get_val($defaults, 'slider', array()); if(empty($defaults)) return $defaults; $favorite = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFavorite'); foreach($defaults as $dk => $default){ if($uid !== false && $uid !== $this->get_val($default, 'uid')){ unset($defaults[$dk]); continue; } $defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'] = (isset($defaults[$dk]['plugin_require']) && !empty($defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'])) ? json_decode($defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'], true) : ''; if(!empty($defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'])){ foreach($defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'] as $pr => $plugin){ $path = $this->get_val($plugin, 'path'); if(!isset($plugin_list[$path])){ $plugin_list[$path] = (is_plugin_active(esc_attr($path))) ? true : false; } $defaults[$dk]['plugin_require'][$pr]['installed'] = ($plugin_list[$path] === true) ? true : false; } } $tags = $defaults[$dk]['filter']; $tags[] = $defaults[$dk]['cat']; $defaults[$dk]['tags'] = $tags; unset($defaults[$dk]['filter']); unset($defaults[$dk]['cat']); if(!isset($defaults[$dk]['setup_notes'])){ $defaults[$dk]['setup_notes'] = '<span class="ttm_content">Checkout our <a href="https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/slider-revolution-documentation/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Documentation</a> for basic Slider Revolution help.</span>'; } $id = $this->get_val($default, 'id', 0); $defaults[$dk]['favorite'] = $favorite->is_favorite('moduletemplates', $id); } krsort($defaults); return $defaults; } /** * get the template sliders for the get_full_library function * @since: 6.0 */ public function get_tp_template_sliders_for_library($leave_counter = false, $page = false){ $templates = $this->get_tp_template_sliders(); if($page !== false && intval($page) <= 0) $page = 1; $start = 500 * $page - 500; $current = 0; $added = 0; $max = 500; foreach($templates ?? [] as $k => $t){ if(isset($templates[$k]['params'])) unset($templates[$k]['params']); if($page !== false){ if($current < $start || $added >= $max){ unset($templates[$k]); }else{ $added++; } $current++; } } if(!$this->_truefalse($leave_counter)){ update_option('rs-templates-counter', 0, false); //reset the counter } return $templates; } /** * get the template slides for the get_full_library function * @since: 6.0 */ public function get_tp_template_slides_for_library($tmp_slide_uid){ $tmp_slide_uid = (array)$tmp_slide_uid; if(!empty($tmp_slide_uid)){ $templates = array(); foreach($tmp_slide_uid ?? [] as $tmp_uid){ $templates = $this->get_tp_template_sliders($tmp_uid); } }else{ $templates = $this->get_tp_template_sliders(); } $templates_slides = $this->get_tp_template_slides($templates); foreach($templates_slides ?? [] as $t_k => $t_slide){ if(isset($t_slide['params'])) unset($templates_slides[$t_k]['params']); if(isset($t_slide['layers'])) unset($templates_slides[$t_k]['layers']); if(isset($t_slide['settings'])) unset($templates_slides[$t_k]['settings']); } return $templates_slides; } /** * check if image was uploaded, if yes, return path or url * @since: 5.0.5 */ public function _check_file_path($image, $url = false, $download = true){ $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $image; if(file_exists($file)){ //downloaded image first, for update reasons $image = ($url) ? $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $image : $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $image; //server path }elseif($download === true){ //redownload image from server and store it $this->_update_images($image); if(file_exists($file)){ //downloaded image first, for update reasons $image = ($url) ? $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $image : $upload_dir['basedir'] . $this->templates_path . '/' . $image; //server path } } return $image; } /** * Get all uids from a certain package, by one uid * @since: 5.2.5 */ public function get_package_uids($uid, $sliders = false){ if($sliders == false){ $sliders = $this->get_tp_template_sliders(); } $uids = array(); $package = false; foreach($sliders ?? [] as $slider){ if($slider['uid'] != $uid) continue; if(isset($slider['package'])) $package = $slider['package']; break; } if($package !== false){ $i = 0; $tuids = array(); foreach($sliders ?? [] as $slider){ if(isset($slider['package']) && $slider['package'] == $package){ if(isset($slider['package_parent']) && $slider['package_parent'] == 'true') continue; //dont install parent package if($this->get_val($slider, 'installed') !== false){ //add an invalid slider id as we have not yet installed it $i--; $sid = $i; }else{ //add the installed slider id, as we have the template installed already $sid = $slider['id']; } $order = (isset($slider['package_order'])) ? $slider['package_order'] : 0; $tuids[] = array( 'uid' => $slider['uid'], 'sid' => $sid, 'order' => $order ); } } } if(!empty($tuids)){ usort($tuids, array($this, 'sort_by_order')); foreach($tuids as $uid){ $uids[$uid['sid']] = $uid['uid']; } } return $uids; } /** * check if Slider Template was already imported. If yes, remove the old Slider Template as we now do an "update" (in reality we delete and insert again) */ public function remove_old_template($uid){ //get all template sliders $templates = $this->get_tp_template_sliders($uid); foreach($templates ?? [] as $tslider){ if($this->get_val($tslider, 'uid') != $uid) continue; if($this->get_val($tslider, 'installed', false) === false) break; //slider is installed //delete template Slider! $mSlider = new RevSliderSlider(); $mSlider->init_by_id($tslider['installed']); $mSlider->delete_slider(); //remove the update flag from the slider $this->remove_is_new($uid); break; } } public function sort_by_order($a, $b) { return $a['order'] - $b['order']; } /** * Check if Curl can be used */ public function check_curl_connection(){ if($this->curl_check !== null) return $this->curl_check; $curl = new WP_Http_Curl(); $this->curl_check = $curl->test(); return $this->curl_check; } /** * get the template existing categories, merging filter and cat **/ public function get_template_categories(){ $cat = array(); $defaults = get_option('rs-templates', false); $defaults = $this->do_uncompress($defaults); $defaults = $this->get_val($defaults, 'slider', array()); foreach($defaults ?? [] as $def){ $d_cat = $this->get_val($def, 'cat', ''); $d_filter = $this->get_val($def, 'filter', array()); if(trim($d_cat) !== '' && !isset($cat[$d_cat])) $cat[$d_cat] = ucfirst($d_cat); foreach($d_filter ?? [] as $filter){ if(trim($filter) !== '' && !isset($cat[$filter])) $cat[$filter] = ucfirst($filter); } } return $cat; } /** * get the slide thumbnail **/ public function get_slide_image_by_uid($uid, $slidenumber){ $defaults = get_option('rs-templates', false); $defaults = (!is_array($defaults)) ? json_decode($defaults, true) : $defaults; $sliders = $this->get_val($defaults, 'slider', array()); $slides = $this->get_val($defaults, 'slides', array()); $image = false; foreach($sliders ?? [] as $slider){ if($this->get_val($slider, 'uid') != $uid) continue; $alias = $this->get_val($slider, 'alias'); $slide = $this->get_val($slides, $alias, array()); if(!empty($slide)){ $sl = $this->get_val($slide, $slidenumber, array()); $image = $this->get_val($sl, 'img'); } break; } return ($image !== false) ? $this->_check_file_path($image, true, true) : $image; } /** * get the slide thumbnail **/ public function get_slider_id_by_uid($uid){ $templates = $this->get_tp_template_sliders(); foreach($templates ?? [] as $template){ if($this->get_val($template, 'uid') != $uid) continue; return intval($this->get_val($template, 'installed')); } return 0; } /** * clears the uid to make sure no illegal characters are in it **/ public function clear_uid($uid){ return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", '', $uid); } }