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 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.themepunch.com/
 * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch

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class RevSliderSvgSanitizer

	 * @var DOMDocument
	protected $svgDocument;
	 * @var DOMXPath
	protected $xPath;

	 * @var RevSliderSvgSubject[]
	protected $subjects = [];
	 * @var array DOMElement[]
	protected $toRemove = [];

	 * @var string
	protected $defaultNSURI;

	 * @var array
	protected $allowedTags = [
		// HTML

		// SVG

		// SVG Filters


	 * @var array
	protected $allowedAttrs = [
		// HTML

		// SVG

		// MathML

		// XML

	 * @var
	protected $xmlOriginalEntityLoader;

	 * @var bool
	protected $xmlOriginalErrorHandler;

	 * @var int
	protected $useThreshold = 1000;

	 * @var int
	protected $nestingLimit = 15;

	 * @var array
	protected $whitelistDomains;

	function __construct()
		$this->whitelistDomains = $this->getWhitelistDomains();

	 * Reset DOMDocument and update libXML settings before sanitize
	protected function beforeSanitize()
		$this->svgDocument = new DOMDocument();
		$this->svgDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
		$this->svgDocument->strictErrorChecking = false;
		$this->svgDocument->formatOutput = true;

		$this->xmlOriginalErrorHandler = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
		if (LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) {
			$this->xmlOriginalEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);

	 * Restore libXML settings after sanitize
	protected function afterSanitize()
		if (LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) {

	 * Sanitize the passed string
	 * @param string $svgStr
	 * @return string|false
	public function sanitize($svgStr)
		if (empty($svgStr)) return '';
		do {
			$svgStr = preg_replace('/<\?(=|php)(.+?)\?>/i', '', $svgStr);
		} while (preg_match('/<\?(=|php)(.+?)\?>/i', $svgStr) != 0);


		$loaded = $this->svgDocument->loadXML($svgStr, 0);
		if (!$loaded) {
			return false;

		$this->doSanitize($this->svgDocument->childNodes, $this->toRemove);
		$clean = $this->svgDocument->saveXML($this->svgDocument->documentElement);

		return $clean;

	 * Sanitize tags & attributes
	 * @param DOMNodeList $elements
	 * @param array $toRemove
	protected function doSanitize(DOMNodeList $elements, array $toRemove)
		for ($i = $elements->length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
			/** @var DOMElement $el */
			$el = $elements->item($i);

			if (in_array($el, $toRemove) && 'use' === $el->nodeName) {

			if ($el instanceof DOMElement) {
				// check against whitelist
				if (!in_array(strtolower($el->tagName), $this->allowedTags)) {


				if (strtolower($el->tagName) === 'use') {
					$href = $this->getHrefAttribute($el);
					if (($href && strpos($href, '#') !== 0)) {

					if ($this->useThreshold > 0) {
						$useId = $this->extractHrefId($this->getHrefAttribute($el));
						if (!is_null($useId)) {
							foreach ($this->findByElementId($useId) as $subject) {
								if ($subject->countUse() >= $this->useThreshold) {

				// Strip out font elements that will break out of foreign content.
				if (strtolower($el->tagName) === 'font') {
					$breaksOutOfForeignContent = false;
					for ($x = $el->attributes->length - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
						$attrName = $el->attributes->item($x)->nodeName;
						if (in_array(strtolower($attrName), ['face', 'color', 'size'])) {
							$breaksOutOfForeignContent = true;

					if ($breaksOutOfForeignContent) {


			if ($el->hasChildNodes()) {
				$this->doSanitize($el->childNodes, $toRemove);

	 * Check attributes against whitelist
	 * @param DOMElement $element
	protected function checkAttributes($element)
		for ($x = $element->attributes->length - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
			$attr = $element->attributes->item($x)->nodeName;

			if (
				!in_array(strtolower($attr), $this->allowedAttrs) 
				&& !(strpos(strtolower($attr), 'aria-') === 0) 
				&& !(strpos(strtolower($attr), 'data-') === 0)
			) {

			if (false !== strpos($attr, 'href')) {
				$href = $element->getAttribute($attr);
				if (false === $this->isHrefSafe($href)) {

			// Remove attribute if it has a remote reference
			if (isset($element->attributes->item($x)->value) && $this->hasRemoteRef($element->attributes->item($x)->value)) {

	 * Clean the xlink:hrefs of script and data embeds
	 * @param DOMElement $element
	protected function cleanXlinkHrefs($element)
		$xlinks = $element->getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href');
		if (false === $this->isHrefSafe($xlinks)) {
			$element->removeAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href');

	 * Clean the hrefs of script and data embeds
	 * @param DOMElement $element
	protected function cleanHrefs($element)
		$href = $element->getAttribute('href');
		if (false === $this->isHrefSafe($href)) {

	 * Does this attribute value have a remote reference?
	 * @param $value
	 * @return bool
	protected function hasRemoteRef($value)
		$value = trim(preg_replace('/[^ -~]/xu', '', $value));

		$wrapped_in_url = preg_match('~^url\(\s*[\'"]\s*(.*)\s*[\'"]\s*\)$~xi', $value, $match);
		if (!$wrapped_in_url) {
			return false;

		$value = trim($match[1], '\'"');

		return preg_match('~^((https?|ftp|file):)?//~xi', $value);

	 * Remove nodes that are invalid
	 * @param DOMNode $currentElement
	protected function cleanNodes($currentElement)
		// Replace CDATA node with encoded text node
		if ($currentElement instanceof DOMCdataSection) {
			$textNode = $currentElement->ownerDocument->createTextNode($currentElement->nodeValue);
			$currentElement->parentNode->replaceChild($textNode, $currentElement);
			// If the element doesn't have a tagname, remove it and continue with next iteration
		} elseif (!$currentElement instanceof DOMElement && !$currentElement instanceof DOMText) {

		if ($currentElement->childNodes && $currentElement->childNodes->length > 0) {
			for ($j = $currentElement->childNodes->length - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
				/** @var DOMElement $childElement */
				$childElement = $currentElement->childNodes->item($j);

	 * return domains used by wp installation
	 * both backend and frontend
	 * @return array
	protected function getWhitelistDomains()
		$domains = [];
		$sites = [(object)['id' => get_current_blog_id()]];
		if (is_multisite()) {
			$sites = get_sites();

		foreach ($sites as $site) {
			$domains[] = parse_url(get_site_url($site->id), PHP_URL_HOST);
			$domains[] = parse_url(get_admin_url($site->id), PHP_URL_HOST);

		return array_unique($domains);

	 * validate href
	 * @param $value
	 * @return bool
	protected function isHrefSafe($value)
		// Don't allow non-strings
		if (!is_string($value)) {
			return false;

		// Allow empty values
		if (empty($value)) {
			return true;

		// Allow fragment identifiers.
		if ('#' === $value[0]) {
			return true;

		// Allow relative URIs.
		if ('/' === $value[0] && '/' !== $value[1]) {
			return true;

		// Allow known data URIs.
		if (in_array(substr($value, 0, 14), array(
			'data:image/png', // PNG
			'data:image/gif', // GIF
			'data:image/jpg', // JPG
			'data:image/jpe', // JPEG
			'data:image/pjp', // PJPEG
		))) {
			return true;

		// Allow known short data URIs.
		if (in_array(substr($value, 0, 12), array(
			'data:img/png', // PNG
			'data:img/gif', // GIF
			'data:img/jpg', // JPG
			'data:img/jpe', // JPEG
			'data:img/pjp', // PJPEG
		))) {
			return true;

		// Allow urls from white list
		if (!empty($this->whitelistDomains)) {
			$pattern = "/^(http|https|)\:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:" . str_replace('.', '\.', implode('|', $this->whitelistDomains)) . ")\/.*\.(jpg|png)$/i";
			if (preg_match($pattern, $value)) return true;

		return false;

	 * check that document contain only one SVG root element
	 * init XPath object for current document
	 * @return void
	 * @throws LogicException
	protected function initXPath()
		$this->xPath = new DOMXPath($this->svgDocument);

		$root = null;
		$elements = $this->xPath->document->getElementsByTagName('svg');
		foreach ($elements as $element) {
			if ($element->parentNode !== $this->xPath->document) continue;
			if (!is_null($root)) {
				throw new LogicException('Two or more SVG root elements found');
			$root = $element;
		$this->defaultNSURI = (string)$root->namespaceURI;
		if ($this->defaultNSURI !== '') {
			$this->xPath->registerNamespace('svg', $this->defaultNSURI);

	 * @param string $nodeName
	 * @return string
	public function getNodeName($nodeName)
		if (empty($this->defaultNSURI)) {
			return $nodeName;
		return 'svg:' . $nodeName;

	 * @param string $elementId
	 * @return RevSliderSvgSubject[]
	public function findByElementId($elementId)
		return array_filter(
			function (RevSliderSvgSubject $subject) use ($elementId) {
				return $elementId === $subject->getElementId();

	 * Collects elements having `id` attribute
	 * Processes references from and to elements having `id` attribute
	protected function processRefs()
		/** @var DOMNodeList|DOMElement[] $elements */
		$elements = $this->xPath->query('//*[@id]');
		foreach ($elements as $element) {
			$this->subjects[$element->getAttribute('id')] = new RevSliderSvgSubject($element, $this->nestingLimit);
		$useNodeName = $this->getNodeName('use');
		foreach ($this->subjects as $subject) {
			$useElements = $this->xPath->query(
				$useNodeName . '[@href or @xlink:href]',

			/** @var DOMElement $useElement */
			foreach ($useElements as $useElement) {
				$useId = $this->extractHrefId($this->getHrefAttribute($useElement));
				if ($useId === null || !isset($this->subjects[$useId])) {

		foreach ($this->subjects as $subject) {
			if (in_array($subject->getElement(), $this->toRemove)) {

			$useId = $this->extractHrefId($this->getHrefAttribute($subject->getElement()));

			if ($useId === $subject->getElementId()) {

			$result = $subject->hasInfiniteLoop();
			if ($result instanceof DOMElement) {
				$this->toRemove[] = $result;
			} elseif ($result) {

	 * add element ( + children ) to be removed to array
	 * @param RevSliderSvgSubject $subject
	protected function addToRemove($subject) {
		$this->toRemove = array_merge(

	 * @param DOMElement $element
	 * @return string|null
	protected function getHrefAttribute(DOMElement $element)
		if ($element->hasAttribute('href')) {
			return $element->getAttribute('href');
		if ($element->hasAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href')) {
			return $element->getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href');
		return null;

	 * @param string $href
	 * @return string|null
	protected function extractHrefId($href)
		if (!is_string($href) || strpos($href, '#') !== 0) return null;
		return substr($href, 1);

	 * @param DOMElement $what
	 * @param DOMElement $where
	 * @return bool
	protected function isElementIn($what, $where)
		if ($what === $where) return true;

		foreach ($where->childNodes as $childNode) {
			if (!$childNode instanceof DOMElement) continue;
			if ($this->isElementIn($what, $childNode)) return true;

		return false;