Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/assets/js/ |
Current File : //home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/assets/js/checkout-template.js |
( function ( $ ) { const wcf_update_checkout_on_return = function () { const vis = ( function () { let stateKey, eventKey; const keys = { hidden: 'visibilitychange', webkitHidden: 'webkitvisibilitychange', mozHidden: 'mozvisibilitychange', msHidden: 'msvisibilitychange', }; for ( stateKey in keys ) { if ( stateKey in document ) { eventKey = keys[ stateKey ]; break; } } return function ( c ) { if ( c ) { document.addEventListener( eventKey, c ); } return ! document[ stateKey ]; }; } )(); function getCookie( name ) { const cookieArr = document.cookie.split( ';' ); for ( let i = 0; i < cookieArr.length; i++ ) { const cookiePair = cookieArr[ i ].split( '=' ); if ( name === cookiePair[ 0 ].trim() ) { return decodeURIComponent( cookiePair[ 1 ] ); } } return null; } vis( function () { const active_checkout_cookie = getCookie( cartflows.active_checkout_cookie ); if ( active_checkout_cookie && vis() ) { if ( parseInt( cartflows.current_step ) !== parseInt( active_checkout_cookie ) ) { // Add loader. $( '.woocommerce-checkout-payment, .woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table' ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6, }, } ); console.log( 'Multiple checkouts are open.' ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); $( document ).ajaxComplete( function ( event, xhr ) { if ( ! xhr.hasOwnProperty( 'responseJSON' ) ) { return; } const fragmants = xhr.responseJSON.hasOwnProperty( 'fragments' ) ? xhr.responseJSON.fragments : null; if ( fragmants && fragmants.hasOwnProperty( 'wcf_cart_data' ) ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'wcf_cart_data_restored', [ fragmants.wcf_cart_data ] ); } } ); } } } ); }; /** * Checkout Custom Field Validations * This will collect all the present fields in the woocommerce form and adds an class if the field * is blank */ const wcf_custom_field_validation = function () { /** * Controls the display of the error message on the basis of backend setting. * * @param {boolean} field_required * @param {string} field_row * @param {string} field_wrap */ const add_validation_msg = function ( field_required = false, field_row, field_wrap ) { field_row.find( '.wcf-field-required-error' ).remove(); if ( field_required && 'yes' === cartflows.field_validation.is_enabled ) { const label_text = field_row.find( 'label' ).text(); field_wrap.after( '<span class="wcf-field-required-error">' + label_text.replace( /\*/g, '' ).trim() + ' ' + cartflows.field_validation.error_msg + '</span>' ); } else { field_row.find( '.wcf-field-required-error' ).remove(); } }; const custom_field_add_class = function ( field_value, field_row, field_wrap, field_type ) { let isError = false; if ( field_value === '' || ( 'select' === field_type && field_value === ' ' ) ) { if ( field_row.hasClass( 'validate-required' ) ) { field_wrap.addClass( 'field-required' ); isError = true; } } else { field_wrap.removeClass( 'field-required' ); } add_validation_msg( isError, field_row, field_wrap ); }; const numberFieldValidation = function ( field_value, field_row, field_wrap, minValue, maxValue ) { if ( field_value === '' || field_value < minValue || field_value > maxValue ) { field_wrap.addClass( 'field-required' ); field_wrap.after( '<span class="wcf-field-required-error">' + cartflows.field_validation_msgs.number_field + minValue + ' & ' + maxValue + '</span>' ); } else { field_wrap.removeClass( 'field-required' ); field_row.find( '.wcf-field-required-error' ).remove(); } }; const fields_wrapper = $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout' ), $all_fields = fields_wrapper.find( 'input, textarea' ), $selects = fields_wrapper.find( 'select' ); $all_fields.on( 'blur', function () { const $this = $( this ), field_type = $this.attr( 'type' ), field_row = $this.closest( 'p.form-row' ), field_value = $this.val(); custom_field_add_class( field_value, field_row, $this, field_type ); if ( 'number' === field_type ) { const minValue = $this.attr( 'min' ); const maxValue = $this.attr( 'max' ); numberFieldValidation( Number( field_value ), field_row, $this, Number( minValue ), Number( maxValue ) ); } } ); $selects.on( 'blur', function () { const $this = $( this ), field_row = $this.closest( 'p.form-row' ), field_type = 'select', field_wrap = field_row.find( '.select2-container--default' ), field_value = field_row.find( 'select' ).val(); custom_field_add_class( field_value, field_row, field_wrap, field_type ); } ); }; const wcf_check_is_local_storage = function () { const test = 'test'; try { localStorage.setItem( test, test ); localStorage.removeItem( test ); return true; } catch ( e ) { return false; } }; const wcf_persistent_data = function () { if ( 'yes' !== cartflows.allow_persistence ) { return; } if ( false === wcf_check_is_local_storage() ) { return; } const checkout_cust_form = 'form.woocommerce-checkout #customer_details'; const wcf_form_data = { set() { const checkout_data = []; const checkout_form = $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout #customer_details' ); localStorage.removeItem( 'cartflows_checkout_form' ); checkout_form .find( 'input[type=text], select, input[type=email], input[type=tel]' ) .each( function () { checkout_data.push( { name: this.name, value: this.value, } ); } ); cartflows_checkout_form = JSON.stringify( checkout_data ); localStorage.setItem( 'cartflows_checkout_form', cartflows_checkout_form ); }, get() { if ( localStorage.getItem( 'cartflows_checkout_form' ) !== null ) { checkout_data = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'cartflows_checkout_form' ) ); for ( let i = 0; i < checkout_data.length; i++ ) { if ( $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout [name=' + checkout_data[ i ].name + ']' ).hasClass( 'select2-hidden-accessible' ) ) { $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout [name=' + checkout_data[ i ].name + ']' ).selectWoo( 'val', [ checkout_data[ i ].value ] ); } else { $( 'form.woocommerce-checkout [name=' + checkout_data[ i ].name + ']' ).val( checkout_data[ i ].value ); } } } }, }; wcf_form_data.get(); $( checkout_cust_form + ' input, ' + checkout_cust_form + ' select' ).on( 'change', function () { wcf_form_data.set(); } ); }; const wcf_checkout_coupons = { init() { $( document.body ).on( 'click', '.wcf-submit-coupon', this.submit_coupon ); $( document.body ).on( 'click', '.wcf-remove-coupon', this.remove_coupon ); }, submit_coupon( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const coupon_wrapper_class = $( '.wcf-custom-coupon-field' ), coupon_wrapper = $( this ).closest( coupon_wrapper_class ), coupon_field = coupon_wrapper.find( '.wcf-coupon-code-input' ), coupon_value = coupon_field.val(); if ( '' === coupon_value ) { coupon_field.addClass( 'field-required' ); return false; } coupon_field.removeClass( 'field-required' ); const billing_email = $( '.wcf-embed-checkout-form #billing_email' ).val(); const data = { coupon_code: coupon_value, action: 'wcf_woo_apply_coupon', security: cartflows.wcf_validate_coupon_nonce, billing_email, }; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: cartflows.ajax_url, data, success( code_data ) { const coupon_message = $( '.wcf-custom-coupon-field' ); coupon_message .find( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ) .remove(); if ( code_data && code_data.status === true ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout', { update_shipping_method: false, } ); coupon_message.prepend( code_data.msg ); coupon_wrapper_class.addClass( 'wcf-coupon-applied' ); } else if ( code_data && code_data.msg ) { coupon_message.prepend( code_data.msg ); coupon_wrapper_class.removeClass( 'wcf-coupon-applied' ); } else { console.log( 'Error: Error while applying the coupon. Response: ' + code_data.data && code_data.data.error ? code_data.data.error : code_data ); } }, } ); }, remove_coupon( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const data = { coupon_code: $( this ).attr( 'data-coupon' ), action: 'wcf_woo_remove_coupon', security: cartflows.wcf_validate_remove_coupon_nonce, }; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: cartflows.ajax_url, data, success( code ) { const coupon_message = $( '.wcf-custom-coupon-field' ); coupon_message .find( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ) .hide(); $( '.wcf-custom-coupon-field' ).removeClass( 'wcf-coupon-applied' ); if ( code ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout', { update_shipping_method: false, } ); coupon_message.prepend( code ); } }, } ); }, }; const wcf_remove_cart_products = function () { $( document.body ).on( 'click', '#wcf-embed-checkout-form .wcf-remove-product', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const p_id = $( this ).attr( 'data-id' ); const data = { p_key: $( this ).attr( 'data-item-key' ), p_id, action: 'wcf_woo_remove_cart_product', security: cartflows.wcf_validate_remove_cart_product_nonce, }; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: cartflows.ajax_url, data, success( response ) { const res_data = JSON.parse( response ); if ( res_data.need_shipping === false ) { // $('#wcf-embed-checkout-form').find('#ship-to-different-address-checkbox').hide(); $( '#wcf-embed-checkout-form' ) .find( '#ship-to-different-address-checkbox' ) .attr( 'checked', false ); } $( '#wcf-embed-checkout-form' ) .find( '.woocommerce-notices-wrapper' ) .first() .html( res_data.msg ); $( document ).trigger( 'cartflows_remove_product', [ p_id, ] ); $( '#wcf-embed-checkout-form' ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); }, } ); } ); }; const wcf_toggle_optimized_fields = function () { jQuery.each( cartflows_checkout_optimized_fields, function ( field, cartflows_optimized_field ) { if ( cartflows_optimized_field.is_optimized ) { jQuery( '#' + field ).prepend( '<a href="#" id="wcf_optimized_' + field + '">' + cartflows_optimized_field.field_label + '</a>' ); jQuery( '#wcf_optimized_' + field ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery( '#' + field ).removeClass( 'wcf-hide-field' ); // jQuery("#" + field).removeClass('mt20') const field_id = field.replace( /_field/g, '' ); $( '#' + field_id ).trigger( 'focus' ); jQuery( this ).remove(); } ); } } ); }; const wcf_instant_checkout_coupon_field = function () { $( document.body ).on( 'click', '.coupon-field .wcf-custom-coupon-field .wcf-optimized-coupon-field', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '.wcf-custom-coupon-field' ).removeClass( 'wcf-hide-field' ); $( this ).remove(); } ); }; const wcf_anim_field_style_two = function () { const $inputs = $( '.wcf-field-modern-label .woocommerce input, .wcf-field-modern-label .woocommerce select, .wcf-field-modern-label .woocommerce textarea' ); /** * Add wcf-anim-label class when floating label option is enabled. * The class will be added only when the info is started to type in the checkout fields. * * @param {Object} $this the object of current checkout field */ const _add_anim_class = function ( $this ) { const field_row = $this.closest( '.form-row' ), is_select = $this.is( 'select' ) || $this.hasClass( 'select2-hidden-accessible' ), field_value = is_select ? $this.find( ':selected' ).text() : $this.val(), field_type = $this.attr( 'type' ); if ( '' === field_value ) { field_row.removeClass( 'wcf-anim-label' ); } else if ( 'hidden' === field_type ) { field_row.addClass( 'wcf-anim-hidden-label' ); } else { field_row.addClass( 'wcf-anim-label' ); } }; // Trigger the addition of anim class when focused or info is inputed on the field. $inputs.on( 'focusout input', function () { const $this = $( this ); _add_anim_class( $this ); } ); // Load the anim class on the page ready. $( $inputs ).each( function () { _add_anim_class( $( this ) ); } ); }; const validateEmail = function ( email ) { const email_reg = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return email_reg.test( email ); }; let xhrCountEmail = 0; let delayTimerEmail; const inline_email_address_validation = function () { const email = $( '.wcf-customer-info #billing_email' ).val(); if ( 'undefined' === typeof email || cartflows.is_logged_in ) { return; } if ( '' !== email ) { const email_field = $( '#billing_email' ); const validation_msg_wrap = $( '.wcf-email-validation-block' ), customer_login_wrap = $( '.wcf-customer-login-section' ); validation_msg_wrap.remove(); if ( ! validateEmail( email ) ) { email_field.after( '<span class="wcf-email-validation-block error">' + cartflows.email_validation_msgs.error_msg + '</span>' ); customer_login_wrap.removeClass( 'wcf-show' ); return false; } clearTimeout( delayTimerEmail ); const seqNumber = ++xhrCountEmail; delayTimerEmail = setTimeout( function () { $.ajax( { url: cartflows.ajax_url, type: 'POST', data: { action: 'wcf_check_email_exists', email_address: email, security: cartflows.check_email_exist_nonce, }, success( resp ) { if ( seqNumber !== xhrCountEmail ) { return; } validation_msg_wrap.remove(); if ( resp.data && resp.data.success && customer_login_wrap.hasClass( 'wcf-show' ) ) { email_field.after( '<span class="wcf-email-validation-block success">' + cartflows.email_validation_msgs .success_msg + '</span>' ); return; } if ( resp.data && resp.data.success ) { if ( resp.data.is_login_allowed ) { email_field.after( '<span class="wcf-email-validation-block success">' + cartflows.email_validation_msgs .success_msg + '</span>' ); customer_login_wrap .slideDown( 400 ) .addClass( 'wcf-show' ); } $( '.wcf-create-account-section' ).hide(); $( '.woocommerce-billing-fields__customer-login-label' ).show(); } else { customer_login_wrap .slideUp( 400 ) .removeClass( 'wcf-show' ); //Learndash Woo integration plugin hides the create aacount checkbox.So need to show it again. $( '.wcf-create-account-section .create-account label.checkbox' ).show(); $( '.wcf-create-account-section' ).show(); $( '.woocommerce-billing-fields__customer-login-label' ).hide(); } }, } ); }, 300 ); } else { $( '.wcf-create-account-section' ).hide(); $( '.wcf-customer-login-section' ).hide(); $( '.wcf-email-validation-block' ).hide(); $( '.woocommerce-billing-fields__customer-login-label' ).show(); } return false; }; const woocommerce_user_login = function () { $( '.wcf-customer-login-url' ).on( 'click', function login_form( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const customer_login_wrap = $( '.wcf-customer-login-section' ); if ( customer_login_wrap.hasClass( 'wcf-show' ) ) { customer_login_wrap.slideUp( 400 ); customer_login_wrap.removeClass( 'wcf-show' ); } else { customer_login_wrap.slideDown( 400 ); customer_login_wrap.addClass( 'wcf-show' ); } } ); $( '.wcf-customer-login-section__login-button' ).on( 'click', function name() { const email = $( '#billing_email' ).val(); const password = $( '#billing_password' ).val(); $.ajax( { url: cartflows.ajax_url, type: 'POST', data: { action: 'wcf_woocommerce_login', email, password, security: cartflows.woocommerce_login_nonce, }, success( resp ) { if ( resp.data && resp.data.success ) { location.reload(); } else { $( '.wcf-customer-info__notice' ) .addClass( 'wcf-notice' ) .html( resp.data.error ); } }, } ); } ); }; const wcf_instant_checkout_relocate_notices = function () { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'cartflows-instant-checkout' ) ) { $( '.woocommerce-NoticeGroup' ).prependTo( '.woocommerce-notices-wrapper' ); } }; $( function () { wcf_persistent_data(); wcf_update_checkout_on_return(); wcf_custom_field_validation(); wcf_remove_cart_products(); wcf_checkout_coupons.init(); wcf_toggle_optimized_fields(); wcf_instant_checkout_coupon_field(); $( document.body ).on( 'checkout_error updated_checkout', wcf_instant_checkout_relocate_notices ); wcf_anim_field_style_two(); // On email input field change. $( '.wcf-customer-info #billing_email' ).on( 'input', function () { inline_email_address_validation(); } ); // On page load as we saves the checkout fields values. if ( $( '.wcf-customer-info #billing_email' ).length > 0 ) { inline_email_address_validation(); } woocommerce_user_login(); } ); } )( jQuery );